
Twin question?

Do twins run in either DH or your family?

Did you have more symptoms?

How did you concieve?

When did you find out you were having twins?

Did this make you high risk?

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Re: Twin question?

  • 1. Yes and no.   Ours are fraternal.  They would originate, if at all, through my side of the family.  Ihad identical twins that were my grandfather's cousin.  That's about as close at they get.  Hubby's mom's cousin has identical girls.  BIL and SIL have identical girls.

    2. No, I would have had hyperamisis no matter what.

    3. BIL and SIL's were God made.  Ours were store bought :)  Our boys were IVF babies.

    4. 6 weeks.

    5.  All multiple pregnancies are high risk.

  • Do twins run in either DH or your family? I have uncles that are fraternal twins.

    Did you have more symptoms? Nope, didn't puke until last week.

    How did you concieve? Well it all started when I forgot to put my nuvaring in on the right day, followed by a romantic birthday dinner and a bottle of red wine..... :)

    When did you find out you were having twins? At 6w4d we saw both sacs, but Baby B didn't have a h/b. At 7w4d they were both there with strong h/b's. Baby B was just behind.

    Did this make you high risk? Yes, just based on the fact they are twins.

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  • -Fraternal twins on my mom's side.  My MIL is an identical twin (though this type of twinning does not have a genetic correlation). There are more identical twins in MIL's dad's family too.

    -No, nothing but regular pregnancy stuff

    -Spontaneous identical twins.

    -Saw both babies at a dating u/s less than 8 weeks.

    -Yes, they shared a placenta.  I had GD, PIH and a positive ffn test by 27 weeks.  

  • Do twins run in either DH or your family? on DH's side (he has twin aunts)

    Did you have more symptoms? not that i can think of

    How did you concieve? IUI

    When did you find out you were having twins? 6 weeks 2 days

    Did this make you high risk? yes

  • 1) There are fraternal twins on DH side, but twins are only genetic on maternal side.  That said, I have identical twins.

    2) No symptoms at all

    3) Sex

    4) 8 weeks

    5) Yes - mine shared a placenta so high risk - but I think all twins are high risk pregnancies.

  • 1. Nope, ours are the first in both families!

     2. Nope I have felt great the entire time (sorry everyone I know hates it when I say that!) 

    3. Well you see, when a man and a woman love each other... no no sorry... it was totally an accident from one baby to finding out there were two! 

    4. 9 weeks at a dating u/s

    5. Yes, all multiples are high risk. 

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  • Do twins run in either DH or your family? I have a set of cousins, but that is about it. We have been blessed with ident. girls on the way.

    Did you have more symptoms? I didnt show any signs of twins. It was a shocker to us and my doctor was surprised as well since I didnt get any m/s, I didnt show extra early or anything else that might suggest twins.

    How did you concieve? The good ole fashion hanky panky.

    When did you find out you were having twins? 15 wks 3 days, July 18th. Likely a day I will never forget, just like the day we got the bfp.

    Did this make you high risk? All twins are considered high risk, so yes. However, I was also at a very high risk for TTTS because of the way I am carrying.

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    1. Yes.  It is said that they dont come from the fathers side though.  DH has 2 aunts that have twins and a cousin who was pg with triplets and MC.  That was over 12yrs ago.  Her and her husband were ttc their 1st and found out their 2nd month trying they were pg with 3.  Its sad she lost them all. 

    Anyways, yes. They run on my dads side as well.  My grandmother has twin sisters and my MIL has a sister with twins.  No history of twin from my moms side though.

    2. Nope.  My twin pregnancy was no different than my 1st pg with a singleton.  I just found out I was pg earlier because of lack of a period and then getting sick after giving blood.  I was only 3wks at the time and got a positive test at 4wks.  I couldnt get a + until 7 or 8 wks with L.

    3.  Felt myself ovulate, waited 4 days used a condom, (had sex, that is the key to getting pg) the condom broke and BAM we got twins.  BTW, my egg split so they are identical. Dh says his sperm hit my egg too hard and caused it to split.

    4. At my 10wk appt.  I was only 6wks pg at my first appt and both my doctor and I thought I would be at least 9wks based on last period (other than when I felt myself ovulate and had that period.  He didnt think I could be pg based on that one.  HE thought it was jsut implantation or something.  I didnt care at the time and just showed up for the appt,  I was just shocked to be pg again when DS was only 4-5months old. 

    I went in for a second internal u/s to verify the pg. and check the measurments for an accurate due date.  Checked once and saw one, looked again and there were 2.  :)

    5.  Very.  Dr.s words were after announcing he saw twins.  "get dressed, we need to talk."  He didnt even turn the u/s machine off or help clean me up.  He was in shock as well.  Like I said, ds #1 was onl 4 months old.  Back to back pg like that are high enough risk then to be twins the 2nd time was crazy.  He was also concerned about my weight/body size/structure.  He didnt know how I would do carrying them.  Im 5'4, 105lb at my 6wks appt.  I also have a small bone frame and dialated early with my son, and only had a 40min l&d.  He was actually scared I would MC or go into preterm labor.

    (never had a bit of trouble.  had a cerclage at 15wks (stitch to keep cervix closed) and made it to 36wks with NO bedrest until they ran out of room, and I couldnt stretch anymore.)


  • Do twins run in either DH or your family? Both...  DH has cousins that are twins and great aunt that were twins.  I also had great aunts that were twins.

    Did you have more symptoms? I don't know about more...  I had m/s right up till I gave birth, heartburn really bad...

    How did you concieve? IVF

    When did you find out you were having twins? 6wks5d

    Did this make you high risk? I think all twin pregnancies are high risk but I also suffered a second trimester loss of twins about 3 years ago...

  • Twins do not run in either one of our families.

    I had wicked morning (all day sickness) for 16 very long weeks.

     We concieved naturally.

    We found we were having twins at a 6 week ultrasound due to some spotting I was having, that is when we saw two sacs.

    I was high risk bc of twins and having a previous miscarriage.


  • Do twins run in either DH or your family? Yes, on my mom's side, I have an aunt who had twins, whose daughter then had twins. But my boys are ID, which is not genetic.

    Did you have more symptoms? Nope. In fact, the u/s asked me before I saw the screen, and I thought it meant there was no baby. She just asked because there were so many!

    How did you concieve? Sex.

    When did you find out you were having twins? 7w3d routine u/s

    Did this make you high risk? Absolutely.

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  • Do twins run in either DH or your family? ? Yes, they run in DH's family and my grandfather's mother was a twin, but I was told neither of those count as they couldn't affect my egg production.Did you have more symptoms? ?I was so sick starting right at 5 weeks.How did you concieve? ?Not sure what this means... we had sex and got pregnant.When did you find out you were having twins? ?At 10 weeks, I had an ultrasound due to some spotting.Did this make you high risk? ?Not so far according to my MD anyway.


  • Nope.

    Mm, that's all relative.

    Sex. ;)


    Depends on who you ask. ;) Most OBs would say yes.

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • imageBridetobe9/9/06:

    Do twins run in either DH or your family? Nope

    Did you have more symptoms? I had hyper-emesis that was exacerbated by twins. It was very bad. Pregnancy with twins, I can say without a doubt was a billion times harder than actually having them in my case. Now that they are out (and 15 months old) they are freaking awesome.

    How did you concieve? had some sex with my husband

    When did you find out you were having twins? 6w

    Did this make you high risk? yep, coupled with the HEG, the severe weight loss, the low blood pressure, the higher risk for m/c, PTL, premature birth.... two or more in there make things high risk.

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  • Do twins run in either DH or your family?  No

    Did you have more symptoms?  No

    How did you concieve?  IVF with ICSI

    When did you find out you were having twins?  6weeks 1day

    Did this make you high risk?  Yes - originally triplets.

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