Cloth Diapering

Green Mountain Diapers Facebook Post?

Anyone see the post from Green Mountain Diapers this morning on Facebook? This is what it states:

"Coconut oil is a medicine containing high salicylates (similar structurally to aspirin - you wouldn't give aspirin to a baby). It should be considered medicine. Do not over-use! Over exposure to anything, even food and water, is not good. Please do not over-use coconut. Salicylate sensitivity is very real."


Re: Green Mountain Diapers Facebook Post?

  • I was just reading this! I honestly can't believe they posted that. What a load of crap. They don't even have any sources or anything and apparently they said this bc their friend over dosed on water??
  • There is a slightly similar warning in the GMD cloth diapering faq paperwork I received with my first order of GMD prefolds.  Just something about how lots of people use coconut oil, but you should think about it carefully before you use too much (can't remember the exact wording & I don't have the paperwork with me).
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  • imageLatham12:
    I was just reading this! I honestly can't believe they posted that. What a load of crap. They don't even have any sources or anything and apparently they said this bc their friend over dosed on water??

    I agree! My goodness- look at all the chemicals in store bought diaper rash creams/lotions! I only plan on using coconut oil for rashes & barriers to wetness if need-be. But, way to freak a bunch of people out for doing something that is WAY more natural than the other alternatives!

  • imageAFwifelife:
    Only source that GMD has contributed is from Wikipedia.  I love GMD but this is ridiculous.  Way to freak a ton of people out about something that is a non-issue for most people.

    I was just going to post something along the lines of this. Wikipedia is not source a reliable source GMD!

    Ivy: July 2010  |  Stella: Dec 2012  |  BFP#3: MMC at 11Wk's, July 2017 | Wyatt: April 2019 | BFP#5: Twin Girls due Sept 2020

  • I use it for me and LO and its the main ingredient in her bum butter, I would need a way better source than Wikipedia to change!
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  • imagetheresat858:
    Ridiculous.We should totally ban DHMO, too. For those who aren't already familiar with this, dhmo = dihydrogen monoxoide = h2O = water.nbsp; It's a great parody of the ridiculousness of some things.

    I use this website when in teaching to emphasize the importance of evaluating websites before using them as a resource.
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  • Aren't these the same people that have a bit of religious propaganda in their business materials too?
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  • imageyodasmistress:
    Aren't these the same people that have a bit of religious propaganda in their business materials too?

    yep, which is why I had to walk away 

    The word you're looking for is SEX.  I promise.  No, it's not gender.  It's sex.  You're welcome.
  • imagenowababy:

    Aren't these the same people that have a bit of religious propaganda in their business materials too?

    yep, which is why I had to walk away 

    Wait what? More detail please!

    I am mobile right now. But I remember, a few years ago, when I ordered something from them hemp doublers, maybe? that there was Christian stuff mixed in with the paperwork they sent. It's been a while so I don't remember the details but it was definitely one of those "OMFG" kind of moments. As a business person, I just couldn't fathom why you would want to put that in the mix.
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  • After having heard nothing but good things about their diapers, and getting a lot of their seconds for my baby-to-be, I was pretty excited about GMD.  This post really makes me question them though - I could maybe see them posting about it if there were legitimate sources to back up their claim - but they're totally fear-mongering, and it's really irresponsible of them.  I especially hate that they won't respond properly to the concern that it's caused.  
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