Anyone see the post from Green Mountain Diapers this morning on Facebook? This is what it states:
"Coconut oil is a medicine containing high salicylates (similar structurally to aspirin - you wouldn't give aspirin to a baby). It should be considered medicine. Do not over-use! Over exposure to anything, even food and water, is not good. Please do not over-use coconut. Salicylate sensitivity is very real."
Re: Green Mountain Diapers Facebook Post?
I agree! My goodness- look at all the chemicals in store bought diaper rash creams/lotions! I only plan on using coconut oil for rashes & barriers to wetness if need-be. But, way to freak a bunch of people out for doing something that is WAY more natural than the other alternatives!
I was just going to post something along the lines of this. Wikipedia is not source a reliable source GMD!
I use this website when in teaching to emphasize the importance of evaluating websites before using them as a resource.
yep, which is why I had to walk away
I am mobile right now. But I remember, a few years ago, when I ordered something from them hemp doublers, maybe? that there was Christian stuff mixed in with the paperwork they sent. It's been a while so I don't remember the details but it was definitely one of those "OMFG" kind of moments. As a business person, I just couldn't fathom why you would want to put that in the mix.
DS born 6/2013