Hi ladies! I am coming over from June 2013 board- and posted this very question on my BMB. If you can help me out...I would really appreciate it!
So- we all know those little NB socks, and 0-3 mo socks don't find a NB. They fall off their feet, and they end up getting lost, and your left with mismatched socks!
I have been on the hunt for preemie socks and can't find them anywhere!! I bought some with DS1 and DS2 were born, and I don't have them anymore, and I can't for the life of me find them anywhere is this city!
I have been to carters, children's place, crazy 8, Sears, JC Penny, Walmart, Target, Marshalls, Gap, and Old Navy BRU, a baby boutique, and Once upon a child consignment shop. I did find ONE pair at Gymboree, and I snagged them up, however they have a little frog on it, (which is fine) but I want all white preemie socks, so he can wear them with everything.
I have looked online, and they tend to be pretty expensive for only like 3 or 4 pairs of socks, and not sure if they are even true to size.
I am very frustrated today because I seriously felt like I drove all across this city for some darn socks that no one has!
Also- I am annoyed that the Nursing bra's I want, they don't carry them here in the department stores, so yet again...I have to order something else online w/out looking at the product and trying it on.
Anyone know a good site, or place to get preemie socks that are not expensive?
Re: Q about preemie socks
But most of the time we just used NB folded them over.
Good luck!
thanks ladies! I have been to those places you all suggested, and there is nothing. I need/want white socks, and not a bunch of colors, and ones with pictures on them.
Both my other boys were born in the 7lb range, and their NB socks never fit them. I lost so many socks because they just fell right off their feet. I ended up buying a few little pairs of preemie socks, and they worked our perfect for a little over a month or so.
I am having a summer baby, and it's really hot here where I am, and I keep my hose cold in the summer. He has footed pj's for night time and stuff, but would like him to wear some socks while we are out running around, as footed pj's and pants will be too hot to wear out. (it gets 115 degrees in the summer here, so he will be dressed light)
I guess I will just have to deal with what I have, and make it work.
I have found some online at a preemie store, but they charge $5.99 for two pairs of socks, not to mention the shipping involved- and I just think that is too much to spend on two pairs of socks.
Thanks girls!!