Cloth Diapering

Grovia disposable inserts on vacation - a review

I've been away from TB for a couple of weeks due to vacation/in-law visits/general craziness, but I wanted to post a review of Grovia Biosoakers. I brought them on our vacation last month (4 days in San Francisco followed by a 10 day cruise) and they worked really, really well as a compromise between using disposables and attempting to use CD's on a trip this length. I used them with Diaper Safari OS and Flip covers (since I already had them) and topped with a wool cover at night. They were slightly less easy to use than my pocket diapers, but we had exactly one leak the entire trip and that was early on when we were still getting used to them.

What really impressed me, though, was their ability to contain poop. Unfortunately DS ended up with diarrhea halfway through the cruise, earning him a trip to the medical bay and making for a not-so-fun couple of days of our vacation. Not one time did poop escape his diapers, and it only made it onto the covers once or twice (at which time I was very grateful that our cabin was right across from the laundry room). So, while I wouldn't want to use them all the time I can definitely recommend Grovia's inserts for travel. 

OHM born 12/16/11, BAM born 1/10/14, mmc 06/30/15
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Grovia disposable inserts on vacation - a review

  • Good to know! I'm curious since you have Flip covers, was there any reason you chose to use the Grovia disposable inserts instead the Flip ones?


  • imageunaveragejane:
    Good to know! I'm curious since you have Flip covers, was there any reason you chose to use the Grovia disposable inserts instead the Flip ones?

    I took a look at both types at my local CD store, and liked that the Grovia had leg gussets. The store owner had used both types on her son and said that they worked far better for her, so I went with those. 

    OHM born 12/16/11, BAM born 1/10/14, mmc 06/30/15
    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • Just a word of caution...they don't work for every baby!  I think my DS is a heavy wetter, but I tried the Grovia Biosoakers and it was a disaster!  They leaked every single time!  I would never try them again after a disaster of along weekend.  I would have much rather been washing cloth. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagess456:
    Just a word of caution...they don't work for every baby!  I think my DS is a heavy wetter, but I tried the Grovia Biosoakers and it was a disaster!  They leaked every single time!  I would never try them again after a disaster of along weekend.  I would have much rather been washing cloth. 

    An excellent point. I probably should have mentioned that it's always a good idea to try things out before travelling with them, just in case they don't work for your baby. Fortunately a friend of mine lent me a few to try out before we left, so I was able to test them for a full day and night before buying a bunch.  

    OHM born 12/16/11, BAM born 1/10/14, mmc 06/30/15
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I have used both Flip and Grovia disposable inserts and I agree that Grovia biosoakers are great!  I have a pack in case of emergencies....we live in Florida so you never know what will happen with our crazy weather. 

    The Flip inserts moved around way too much and poop always got on the cover and like you said with the Grovia poop was well contained.

  • I also like the grovia biosoakers. I tried them out on a trip last week (I didn't have enough clo for the whole trip so I used those the first day) and even with EBF poop they performed well. As expected I got some poop on the cover (they are explosive), but not much and the absorbency was great. They have sticky spots on the back that keep them from moving around, but don't leave a residue. I used grovia and flip covers.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • gina104gina104 member
    I usually just lurk but wanted to pop in to say I like them too. I used them with the grovia covers. I had a few leaks at first but it was user error. I didn't notice that I needed to size down from the setting we usually use the covers in with the cloth inserts. Since the biosoaker is so thin I needed the cover on the smallest setting. I wonder if baby is already on the smallest setting, if you could get a good fit.
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