Cloth Diapering

Need help with wool

We just started using wool ON this week. The first night with an S'bish OBF was good. His pj's were slightly damp but not terrible. The second night in a Kiwi Pie, his pants were very wet (and they were fleece). Last night I put him in a Kissa Fitted with two extra hemp or bamboo doublers, and his pants again were pretty wet when he awoke. Do I need to re-lanolize or what?



Re: Need help with wool

  • I am also new to wool, but for me the Kiwi Pie fitted does not work overnight. I have been using Sbish OBFs and they work great. If you search this board, you will find a lot of great info...I would link you, but I'm mobile.
    One of my posts titled "quick! Help me buy wool" has a TON of great wool info in it from yodasmistress
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  • What kind of lanolin are you using? I've had the best luck with liquid lanolin. I would relanolize and use different fitteds. I use Sbish OBF's and TT's overnight. They seem to work the best.
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  • imageyodasmistress:

    Whew! I have some reading to do tonight! :) I have read a few so far, and combined with the advice above, I think I will be ordering another wool cover so I can rotate (probably interlock this time). I also want to try using my S'bish flats. They were what I was using under Blueberries for ON, and I loved them. I just trifolded them under the PUL though, and I'm pretty sure that won't work under the baggy wool. I'm nervous about using a Snappi for overnight the way DS rolls around, but maybe I can pin them instead. 



  • imageAFwifelife:

    MK suggested to rub lanolin on the inside of the dry cover when prepping to make sure there is enough on the cover.  

    This is a good idea especially if you've only lanolized once or twice.

    In my experience Kiwi Pie wasn't a great ON solution, I only use it if we've run out of everything else, and only if we add a hemp insert.

    The only wool I will trust for ON is an interlock wool cover, or a sbish wool cover. With sbish wool though you need to lanolize a few times (I would do 3-4) before testing it out for overnight use.

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