December 2013 Moms

If you're taking Zofran...

What are your side effects? I just started on it yesterday and, TMI, but I had alarmingly dark urine (red almost) this morning. The internets tell me this is somewhat common, so I'm not freaking out... just wondering if others have experienced it.
  norathe girlsamelia
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Re: If you're taking Zofran...

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    Ooh boy. Thanks for the warning. Do you take anything else for it?
      norathe girlsamelia
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    I get headaches and constipation, no dark pee though. Hope you feel better soon. 
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    MrsC731MrsC731 member
    Unbelievable painful constipation. Get some colace.
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    Horrible constipation. I was in tears on Thursday night because I was in so much pain. I started taking 2 stool softeners everyday but those haven't helped me yet. The only thing that has ever helped me for constipation is Citrucel but unfortunately it doesn't sit well in my stomach right now.
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    I took Zofran with my first and now with my second pregnancy, but my doctor warned me to call if my urine was severely discolored, some discoloration was normal, almost like you were dehydrated, but I would call the dr. if I was you. It also gived me serious headaches and some constipation.
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    hfitzhfitz member
    Just constipation. 

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    I was taking zofran to begin with cause my aunt and sil, both work at pharmacies and they got me some. but when I told the dr how nauseated I was and asked it to prescribe me something he put me on reglan. it seems to work really well. although I did worry that there was something wrong with me cause I haven't poop'd in so long, but I guess that's somewhat normal.
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    Constipation - Fiber One brownies and fiber gummies have been my friends these past few weeks.
    Married June 16, 2012

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    I was taking zofran to begin with cause my aunt and sil, both work at pharmacies and they got me some. but when I told the dr how nauseated I was and asked it to prescribe me something he put me on reglan. it seems to work really well. although I did worry that there was something wrong with me cause I haven't poop'd in so long, but I guess that's somewhat normal.

    I'm sorry to break in but did you have a script for the zofran or did they just get it? They could get in to trouble for that and you should never take meds without a script.

    I have taken zofran before being pregnant and I never had discolored urine. I never took it for long periods of time. I would call the dr if the discoloration continues.
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    mmmchu2mmmchu2 member
    I wouldn't take it unless you are severely nauseous and/or vomiting. I've heard they don't know the side effects. Have you all heard that too? My friend gave me a couple and I took one. I couldn't go to the bathroom for days . I would rather be nauseous!
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    Constipation, I was taking Colace but switched to Activia yogurt, regular not light.  It works well, almost too well! It tastes very good too. 
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    Constipation constantly and occasionally severe headaches. Taking Miralax daily to at least be somewhat regular.

    Also to PP it's category b for pregnancy, but yes they can't ever say for a hundred percent sure all effects it will cause.
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    Thanks all. I have been severely nauseated and unable to keep food down, so this is pretty much a last resort. I feel SO much better on it and can actually function. Guess I will pick up some Colace!
      norathe girlsamelia
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