Seems to be the latest trend, and it's fun to see the different thoughts that a name generates!
Our DD is:
Raegan Claire W.[one syllable last name] - NN "Rae"
Top boy choices: (pick whichever stands out to you the most)
Tobias Alexander W. / Tobias James W. / Graham Tobias W.
Re: Another Stereotype Post :-)
Tobias a bit nerdy, reserved, but good kid
Graham well liked by peers, but not necessarily popular. Gets good grades and is focused. Won't be the most successful person on the block, but will do well in life.
Sorry, I don't understand the point of your post. What is the stereotype referenced?
I like Graham Tobias the best. I love Graham. I also love the nickname Toby though. Both names are totally out for us though... I have a distant relative named Graham and my dad has a cat named Toby.
OH I get it now based on PP.
For Reagan all I can see is the girl from the original Exorcist movie. It is an iconic film and so to me Reagan is to the Exorcist as Juliet is to Shakespeare. I have never seen the spelling Raegan, it looks wrong to me. Not trying to be mean or anything, it is a cute name and I'm sure you spelled it that way so she could go by Rae. Rae is cute, I think of Sugar Ray or a Ray of sunshine. I have only known one Rae and that was in college... she was super sweet, smart, and artistic. Really good actress, too.
For Graham I see a smart and sensitive guy. Kind and sweet. Graham has a gentleness to it. It also reminds me of the name Grant but Grant is much more masculine/athletic.
Tobias/Toby I see the character from the show "switched at birth". Artistic, attractive, and smart. Quirky.
Raegan - Popular, pretty, snobbish, maybe bratty
Tobias - Athletic, polite, jock, good looking
Graham - Smart, sophisticated, maybe a little nerdy but in a good way, handsome
Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)