Fish and mash with peas. nbsp;I just have to find a way to make vegan mash as DS1 has a dairy allergy.
Do you have a Whole Foods near? Earth's Balance makes a dairy free "butter" that's actually quite good. Also, plain, unsweetened almond milk works great in mashed potatoes.
I made Giada diLaurentiis' braised short ribs with penne, except I'm using a beef roast because it was cheaper.
Re: What's for dinner tonight?
4 ingredients thats it.
A beef roast
beef broth one can
French onion soup one can
one regular size dark beer. I use guiness
Ranch chicken taco salad in a tortilla bowl.
"I stammered, unable to form a coherent thought because I have a vagina."
Do you have a Whole Foods near? Earth's Balance makes a dairy free "butter" that's actually quite good. Also, plain, unsweetened almond milk works great in mashed potatoes.
I made Giada diLaurentiis' braised short ribs with penne, except I'm using a beef roast because it was cheaper.
DS2 August 2012
DH vetoed chili/spaghetti, so we are having chicken tacos too!
Artichokes are amazayn.