Cloth Diapering


So my 11wk old baby hasn't pooped in five days.  Talked to the pedi, and he told us to do a glycerin supository.  (Gross, by the way).  We picked up a package of sposie diapers becuase I didn't want that stuff in my cloth, but how long should I wait before putting him back in the cloth? IT doesn't say anywhere on the package how long it might take to get it out of his system.
                We're Going to be a Family of 5!

Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

                               Lilypie - (2q9u)

Re: Question...

  • Honestly I would not give an 11 week old a suppository just because they hadn't pooped in 5 days. DS1 was FF fed often went several days without pooping but when he did poop it was normal soft poop so he was not constipated. DS2 is EBF and goes a week sometimes without pooping which is very common. Do you have reason to believe your LO is actually constipated, like they seem to be pooping but can't get it out or are you just basing this on how long it has been? FWIW our Pedi says she has rarely seen a baby be truly constipated before they started solids
  • ObLaDiObLaDi member
    I agree with Texasmom!

    However, if I did give the suppository, I'd probably wait 2 poops to switch back.
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  • Yeah, I just wanted to add that it's normal for a breastfed baby to only poop once a week. Now, if her stomach is hard, then there's actually an issue.
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