This is our third baby, with our first two we had them in our bed or in a bassinet for the first few months. I never used anything with our first two and I was always really nervous, my husband is a very sound sleeper. We also have a bigger bed now so I thought using one of these products would put my mind at ease a bit.
Has anyone used this product or something similar? I also looked at the snuggle nest but it looked kind of flimsy and was more expensive.
Re: Anyone use the Lulyboo for bedsharing w/newborn?
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I thought I would use a Snuggle Nest for co-sleeping, too. Nope. Turns out, my newborn wasn't content with just hearing me breath, he needed to be in physical contact. It was scary at first, but frankly, I was too tired to worry a bunch. We have since gotten the hang of it, and I still love side-lying nursing to sleep.
I didn't have any kind of portable seat the first few weeks, so I ended up using the Snuggle Nest as a baby holder to put on the bathroom floor while I showered. So, I got *some* use out of it... lol