DD is 2 yrs old and she had started to get some blisters on her big toes.. I thought it was from when she put her shoes on the wrong feet. So I made sure that was put to a stop. But now she has blister type redness on all the toes on her right foot and she complains of them hurting.
Anyone ever have this problem? Any ideas of what I can do?
Re: Red/blistered toes? :
Is it the shoes themselves? Have you had your feet measured to make sure she's in the right size? DS has been wearing shoes that seemed to fit but I had him measured last week and he's supposed to be like a whole size bigger, oops. Of course now he wants nothing to do with his new shoes and only wants to wear the ones that are too small.
I would say if she would keep a band-aid on to put some antibiotic cream and a loose band-aid on the toes but I know DS wouldn't keep them on (except maybe if he had socks on over them).
I may try what you said about the socks bandaides and antibotic.
Uh oh.. I didn't even think of that. She hasn't been sick in a long time but she does have some little red dots on her privates that I just noticed tonight. Will definetly be watching. She's had hand foot mouth before, but it was when she was around 10 months old and it never actually showed on her feet.