March 2013 Moms

where does LO sleep during the day?

Jack is 11 weeks today and I'm wondering if it's time I switch him to his crib for naps? He sleeps in his crib fine at night, but during the day I keep him in the living room with me and he either sleeps on the boppy next to me, in his swing, or on my chest.  I read that it was best to have them sleep in lighted, noisy areas during the day so he knows it's day, but now that he has his days and nights in order should I switch to the crib? Where does your LO sleep for day time naps? 
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Re: where does LO sleep during the day?

  • My LO sleeps wherever she falls asleep when she naps, whether it's the swing, bouncer, RnP or on me. She sleeps fine at night, so I see no reason to make a point of putting her in her crib or PnP for naps right now.

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  • My LO takes naps in his crib. Now that he's gotten bigger he doesn't like to sleep in a car seat or the boppy. He's a mover and a stretcher. So when he goes to stretch while he's in anything other than the crib he's a little annoyed and it always shorten's his sleep time. 

    But LO does seem to know his days and nights as he's put to sleep only in a dark room with a night light at night and when he wakes up that's all he sees is the night light. In the day time I typically put him to sleep with the TV going in the living room. Once he's in a deep sleep I take him to the crib. But when he wakes up he knows the difference. In the daytime he's not so eager to go right back to sleep however at night he seems to know he's waking up only to eat so he typically falls asleep on the bottle. 

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  • LO sleeps wherever he'll fall asleep
  • My LO also naps downstairs with me during the day too. Usually in his swing, on his boppy (with my supervision), or in my arms if a swing transfer was not successful.

    He doesn't sleep in his crib yet at night either though. He is still in the RnP next to my bed.

  • also wherever she falls asleep.  The crib is upstairs and since she still sleeps in the bassinet in my room I don't feel comfortable putting her up in the crib yet


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  • DS sleeps in the rock n play in his room mostly (where he sleeps at night too), but will also sleep in the swing or car seat. He sleeps best in the Ergo when we're out and about.

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