
LD's UO Recap

I just want to thank you for my trophy for GROSSEST UO. I was just happy to be mentioned in the Racap. I had a speech written, but was crying so much, I blew my nose on the paper.


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Re: LD's UO Recap

  • Yes, yours was well-deserved. You'll have to thank your co-worker for providing the material. 

    Was there a UO recap from around TB yesterday or just our own board? I missed it if there was the other one.

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  • I only read one from Parenting.
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  • imageMrsGoodkat:

    Yes, yours was well-deserved. You'll have to thank your co-worker for providing the material. 

    Was there a UO recap from around TB yesterday or just our own board? I missed it if there was the other one.

    Just Parenting. As it is that's a lot of effort for a Working Dad. The one time I did a Mega Recap I was annoyed with my job and spent that whole day slacking off.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • I just want to mention I wasn't trying to pick on you when I said I thought it was mean to post a pic of her just so we could all dump on her. It was more of the process of everyone wanting to join in on a collaborate bump dump, ykwim??

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    It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid

    Rap Roller
  • Laurelbee, I didn't get that impression. I was more thinking I didn't realize I was being douchey by participating in it, and then wondering why I didn't really care, because I really loathe the woman in question.

    You noticed I didn't post a picture? I like to think I'm growing and becoming a better person.

    Or not :
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