hello all! I introduced myself the other day to this forum, so I'm pretty new around here.
I had my annual appt with my GYN yesterday. at the end of the appt, I brought up my feelings on pregnancy and adoption. it turns out that she had 2 biological kids in her very-late-30's and then adopted a baby girl who was abandoned by her mother at the hospital after delivery... at 43!
she is such a big advocate of adoption that she now runs an "adoption agency" (I'm not sure of the correct term) through her clinic. she searches out girls/women who are pregnant but can't or don't want to keep the baby. she helps match them up with her clients who would like to adopt and gets them in touch with the right lawyers. you can come to ultrasounds, sit at the hospital during delivery... the works, as long as it's okay with the biological mother.
she adopted her baby girl this way and it cost her $6,100. she said normally it's less than that, but because the mother abandoned the baby and gave a fake name, she had to pay for extra DNA testing and a private investigator.
so about this time next year, we plan to contact her about this. I am very excited. I had no idea that adoption could be done this way and without costing tens of thousands of dollars.
I was telling my friend about this. she was adopted as a baby, and it turns out that this is exactly how she was adopted 29 years ago! her biological mother was 15 and was matched up through her OB/GYN to her parents who had waited 5 years to adopt.
this was very exciting news to me and I just wanted to share!
Re: exciting news from my GYN abt adoption
Yes, there is nothing saying you have to use an "Agency" to adopt.
I have a good friend who I grew up with and she literally got her daughter in a parking lot.
A friend of her's works in a store and the Bio Mother came in and the store teller said, oh she's so sweet and the Bio Mother said, Yeah we can't keep her we can't afford her (This makes me mad, because it sounds like she's giving away a dog)t
Anyway, Anne (Store teller) said, if your serious I know someone who would adopt her etc etc.
The Bio Mom called my friend and the next day they met in a parking lot of a grocery store. My friend thought they were just meeting to talk and so she could meet them.
The Bio mother said, well if you don't take her now we will be taking her to DSS this afternoon. My friend sent her mother to the store for a car seat and Kate sat and wrote out a little contract and made the mother sign it so she couldn't say she kidnapped the little girl.
3 years later they are "legally" her parents and all is well. They love her to pieces. It was the craziest thing I had ever heard.
yes, this is what she does. what is the correct term for it? just "independent adoption"?
When I had an appointment with my OB about my recent loss, he asked me at the end "do you want me to keep you on my short list in my mind, if a situation comes up where a mother is not intending on parenting, to give you a call?"
We said "YES" immediately.
This story makes me cry for the little girl. I can't imagine her loss in being unceremoniously handed over to someone in a parking lot. It makes me sad that you know the story because presumably enough people know that she will be told this story some day.