I'm in the final stages of prep for my baby, and I'm trying to make sure I have a good cloth diaper selection to start. Things with stars I haven't purchased yet, as I'm waiting until after my shower this weekend to wrap up purchasing. Any suggestions for changes would be welcome!
24 GMD NB prefolds
6 GMD workhorse NB fitteds*
2 fleece covers
4 wool covers
2 thirsties duo size one covers
1 bummis super bright cover*
1 bummis super whisper cover*
1 swaddlebees NB AIO
2 lil joey AIOs*
2 Kawaii P&Ns*
1 blueberry nb pocket*
Moving beyond NB:
12 small prefolds
2 fleece covers (increasing sizes up through XXL)
2 wool covers (increasing sizes up through L)
7 BG 4.0 pockets
1 rumparooz G2 OS pocket*
1 Fuzzibunz OS pocket*
2 Kawaii HD pockets*
(I'm hoping the BG work out for daycare purposes, but I'm reluctant to stock up on too much of one brand until I know what works!)
4 diaper pins
2 small wetbags
2 medium wetbags
2 large wetbags
1 hanging diaper pail
~45 cloth wipes (mix of flannel and flannel/terry)
Grovia magic stick
Charlie's detergent
Thanks in advance for any advice! This board has been a phenomenal resource for learning about cloth diapering - and I hope to be able to contribute more once I actually have a baby to diaper!
Re: Critique My Stash Please?
I think you're well covered on the NB stage.
The only thing I can suggest is possibly a dozen small prefolds. But I would only do this if you are staying home the full 12 weeks. And this can probably wait until the baby is here and you decide if you like prefolds and would like to continue using them.
You are correct waiting on buying more OS. See what you like before you stock up for daycare. And depending on which bag you use for daycare, you might want to get 1 to 2 more in that size. I don't like re-using my daycare wetbags, because I never know if something ended up on the outside of them. I like sending a fresh one every day.
And you'll need products to prep your wool. I'm not a wool user, so I can't suggest anything for you.
Thanks so much!
I only get 8 weeks, so I'm kind of playing the prefold game by ear once we start daycare. And hopefully GMD will have another seconds sale so I can stock up once I decide!
And I did forget ... I have lanolin and Eucalan wool wash (as I made the wool covers, so I had to wash and lanolize them!).
Thanks for the advice on the wetbags. They were pretty easy to make, so I hopefully can whip another couple out as needed!
DS born 6/2013
Thanks! I'll look into the fitteds - I didn't know they came in OS! I also have some bamboo fleece (I think) that I bought by the yard to make some inserts/doublers out of - so hopefully that'll extend the absorbency of some of my stash!
DS born 6/2013
I thought I needed enough for something like 36 NB changes for washing every 2-3 days? Can I cut back and maybe not get the fitteds and still have enough for this? Obviously, I'm not opposed to not spending that money if I don't need to!
Maybe I'll not get the 6 fitteds and cut back on 1 thirsties and 1 of the bummis? The fleece and wool covers are all homemade, so I'm a little unsure as to how well they'll do - but I won't know until I try!
DS born 6/2013
The number you need for the NB phase really depends on what you think will work best for your family. Me personally I liked erring on the "too many" side. You never know when you'll have a bad day and need to go 2 or 3 days instead of the 1 you planned on. Not to mention you never know when you'll have a day when LO decides to leave a little tiny skid mark poo after every feeding and a extra and all of a sudden you've gone through 15 diapers in a day.
You certainly can make it by on the 24 prefolds and covers that you already have. You will just have to wash a little more. If you feel comfortable waiting you could always start with just those and if you feel like you need a few more you could place an order.
I might just do that. I feel like with the 24 prefolds with covers as well as the 6 pockets/AIOs, hopefully it'll last a solid two days. And I can always order more if things go pear-shaped - GMD and Amazon both have excellent shipping :-)
DS born 6/2013
Agree with what PP's have said. For what it's worth, we got through the newborn stage using 24 GMD orange edges and 4 covers. We also had 2 kissaluv's fitteds (size 0), but they only really got used in the middle of the night when we were too tired to play with the snappi haha!
I would also add a pack of fleece liners (or buy some fleece and cut it to the right size). We put a liner in her diaper at night, and I think keeping that wetness away has helped her sleep better in the long run. Plus, if you ever had to use a non-CD safe cream, you wouldn't have to worry about switching to sposies.
I have 24 infant prefolds, 5 kawaii P&Ns, 1 alva nb, 5 KL0s with 2 xs thirsties and 3 size 1 thirsties duos. I was also given by friends some additional covers. I do have way too many covers but I liked being able to try a variety of them. I LOVE my fitted dipes! I'd probably keep the workhorses and not buy the AIOs and nb pockets.
I would also consider getting some OS fitteds, particularly for overnight. I was able to score two twinkie tush on a local b/s/t page for $20. They had some staining but it came out in one afternoon of sun. I really wish I had one more in case I have to go three nights between washes. I don't know how heavy of a wetter DD is, but she's sleeping 8-10 hours on one TT and it's not totally saturated in the morning. Friday night I had to put her in a KL0 w/hemp doubler and both were soaked in the morning.
This is wonderfully reassuring to me!
I have a bunch of fleece leftover from various projects in my sewing box - so I'll definitely look into cutting some up for liners (looking forward to a nice easy project!).
DS born 6/2013