I was wondering if anyone had any experience with elective induction by either of those doctors at St. Clair Hospital. The former Dr. Warner was my OBGYN with that practice and he would not induce my 5 year old DD until i was 42 weeks, which i ended up going to. I am curious to see if anyone has had experience with asking to me induced at 39 weeks. My DD will be 5 Aug. 20 and my due date is Aug 15. I have a birthday party and the first day of Kindergarten to prepare for and would really like to have my DS here by both of them. Any info on how these guys operate would be appreciated...please save the "its unsafe to induce" comments, i dont need them
Re: Dr. Rankin and Dr. Mecs at St. Clair Hospital
Just FYI, I had a HORRIBLE experience with Dr. Rankin. So did my neighbor. St. Clair hospital is wonderful, but Rankin was so bad, that the reason that I logged in right now was to ask other moms to recommend a new OB for me! So when I saw Rankin's name, I had to check out this post.
If you want to help yourself induce, try searching around online for some of the tricks that midwives use to get late moms into labor. Off the top of my head, using your breastpumps can raise oxytocin hormone levels, the same hormone used in your body to stimulate uterine contractions. Long walks could also help get things started - my husband and I walked our dog around in circles in a nearby parking lot for a long time on my due date, and my labor started shortly after!
I have had wonderful experiences with Dr. Bulseco's group, who also delivers at St. Clair ... for what its worth.