Detroit Babies

18 weeks and too much weight gain....

Hi I'm about to hit 40 pounds gained since those two pink lines showed up in my my own defense, I did quit smoking as soon as I found out - which has no doubt contributed - as well as  I was a victim of major nausea for my first tri ..... Constantly eating to keep my stomach settled....

I'm 5'6" and just hit 200 pounds....omg.....I have NEVER seen 200 stare back at me from a scale.....

 So what can I do? I can commit to eating better (not that I was eating hot fudge sundaes and French fries everyday) and I could even commit to a fitness routine.....but somebody, please tell me it's not too late? 

At this rate I'm looking at a 60 to 80 pound pregnancy....which cant be good....and I can't find any similar stories on the Internet :( 

Re: 18 weeks and too much weight gain....

  • You need a simple exercise routine and to meet with a nutritionist.  They can truly help you. I like Fit Pregnancy magazine.  They offer healthy excercises, recipes and helpful pregnancy/baby info.
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