our closing date is scheduled for 1/15. ?our rental is supposed to start on 12?15. we need to be entirely moved out by the time of closing and when the potential landlord suggested 12/15 we liked the idea of spending christmas in our new place.
has anyone else signed their lease before their house closing? I am just a worry wart and afraid something will go wrong.
please...tell me your stories--esp good stories!
Re: NPR--signing rental lease before house sale is final...
I know plenty of people who have done it. When's the inspection and did the buyers have a pre-approval?
I'm happy you are finally THISCLOSE to selling!
I think it's fine especially since it's just a rental. Your out of pocket, should something go wrong, shouldn't be too bad and would hopefully be covered by the deposit that the buyer should have put down already.
We had a circumstance where we were supposed to close on our townhouse in the AM and our new house in the PM. Due to our a-hole buyer and her dumbass mortgage company we had to bump the settlements by 3 days and spend 3 days in a hotel. On the third day it was late PM and the girls mortgage company STILL hadn't signed off on her loan for our townhouse. Since our movers were arriving at the new house already, the owners let us move in before having everything finalized. It was gutsy on their part (and a disaster for us) but it all worked out in the end.