
UO Recap, 5/16 edition

One day when my light is glowingI?ll be in my castle goldenBut until the gates are openI just wanna write this recap!
-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.

Re: UO Recap, 5/16 edition

  • Page 1:pghmortdoll thinks setting up a ?honeyfund? for your wedding is tacky. Somewhat unpopular, but actually CONTROVERSIAL
    Spooko thinks it?s very tacky to update your FB relationship status to being in a relationship with person B while still married to person A. I feel like some divorces take forever, but in general this is tacky. Somewhat POPULAR
    pghmortdoll thinks Guiness tastes like hairspray. I know some people don?t like it, but that?s a new one to me. (Please note: Booze =/= food.) UNPOPULAR
    Bostonkisses2 thinks Claymation is creepy. She is very, very wrong. So wrong. It?s cute and charming! Slightly POPULAR, much to my chagrin. Wallace and Grommit are crying somewhere.
    RondackHiker doesn?t like completely perfect thick lawns. POPULAR
    RondackHiker thinks there are times it is responsible to euthanize an animal before it is completely crippled or dying. I agree, although there probably is some nuance of disagreement as to when that point is. VERY POPULAR
    RondackHiker likes jorts, particularly on little boys. VERY POPULAR, somehow? The Jort haterz must have missed this one.
    pghmortdoll thinks smash cakes are a waste. I agree 100% POPULAR, with some controversy
    kryptic doesn?t like beer. Somewhat UNPOPULAR, but preferences do vary.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageHilarityEnsued:
    Is this poem the masterpiece you've been working on all day?

    No. That beautiful formatting and compiling the true popularity of the UOs is though. It's forcing me to finish the whole thing before posting, more or less.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Loading the player...
  • Oh the


    ETA: Too late.  Oh well, I'm leaving it because of reasons.

    // I love you too. //

  • thank you, I have been waiting for this and it came at lunch time when I can actually read it.  The stars have aligned.

    Bostonkisses - I agree, claymation and anything with whatever animation is in The Nightmare Before Christmas is creepy to me.

    *Siggy Warning*

    About me  2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!



  • Page 2:
    KJmashup can?t get it up for the Black Keys. Music UOs are ok, although Taylor Swift and 1D have been beaten to the point neither is worth discussing. For me, the Black Keys are like the Foo Fighters. There?s nothing wrong with them, but nothing that excites me either. They just kinda exist. SOMEWHAT POPULAR
    Pfft thinks the term ?bravery? is thrown around too much. I agree. VERY POPULAR
    nancy30005 thinks birthday shout outs to children that can?t read on FB are ridiculous. I disagree... I think it?s used as a literary device. VERY UNPOPULAR
    speer06 thinks it?s dumb to water grass. She should look into low water landscaping using native plants! not addressed
    speer06 enjoys Natty, and also Guiness. Sounds like she?ll just put any beer in her mouth. I can?t fault that too hard. not addressed
    JellyBelly doesn?t understand the point of homeschooling. CONTROVERSIAL and discussion inducing, as the topic often is.
    acaudill75 doesn?t think a doctor?s note is a sufficient reason to wear skirts to work. This isn?t really a UO, but it amused me. It?s interesting, because in some professions like Law, a skirt is viewed as more professional than pants. This also may have inspired more comments than anything else. Stanky vag. DISCUSSION INDUCING and GROSS
    amykins thinks teens should have free, unlimited access to BC without parental consent. I agree. Ignored, presumably because POPULAR.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Page 3:PPAC1022 thinks ?the customer is ALWAYS right is bull?. She?s correct; there?s a point where a customer becomes unprofitable and should be dumped. not addressed
    mamaREB29 thinks if you?re dining on someone else?s dime, you should show some restraint with what you order. I agree, especially with booze. VERY POPULAR with some discussion
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Page 4:ReeseFox thinks people who respond defensively to a UO not directed at them are insecure and self-absorbed. ?A hit dog will always holler?. I?ve never heard that before!
    (everyone likes food)
    (meta talk)
    JellyBelly has no clue how to edit quote trees and feels stupid for it. Not sure where the UO is there.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Made it, second week in a row! Whoop!

    LOL at meta talk. 

    "To me, you are perfect."

  • imagePfft:
    This new format wins.

    And yes, this. 

    "To me, you are perfect."

  • imagePfft:
    This new format wins.

    Agreed. Good job LD! 

    "Man, be creative. Like the stuff you do. Do nice things. Love respectfully. Laugh a fucking lot. Curse when you feel like it. Life is cool." - Jean Grae

    image image
    M (3/9/02) and E (2/28/12)


  • Awww crap, I accidently deleted my page 5. Time to see if Google Drive saved an old version!
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Page 5  (Quote Tree tutorial)

    LoisLayne23 loves the Duggars. I have nothing against them, although if *I* was polygamous, I?d be having waaaaay more sex than they seem to. Then again, I know how much of a C-Block ONE child can be... Many people think the Duggars are crazy, and there was lot of Duggar Talk. We?ll call this UNPOPULAR.

    Google Drive is amazing! 

    ETA: So, I can't keep the Duggars and the Sister Wives straight. I fail.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • I wish you would do this on my bmb, it would be hilarious.
  • imageLuckyDad:

    LoisLayne23 loves the Duggars. I have nothing against them, although if *I* was polygamous, I?d be having waaaaay more sex than they seem to. Then again, I know how much of a C-Block ONE child can be... Many people think the Duggars are crazy, and there was lot of Duggar Talk. We?ll call this UNPOPULAR.

    Google Drive is amazing! 

    Wait - when did they become polygamous?  I thought all those kids came out of one uterus?

    *Siggy Warning*

    About me  2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!



  • Page 6:katem3277 doesn?t like platform shoes. not addressed
    jorkz821 dislikes perfume and cologne. I agree. CONTROVERSIAL. Oh, and for me, BBW = Big Beautiful Woman.
    piglet6609 doesn?t like booze at all. not addressed
    piglet6609 also doesn?t like the ?9 months on, 9 months off? mindset with baby weight. I agree, especially if the mom BF?s for a full year. not addressed
    mamaREB29 doesn?t think people should use the word ?lucky? when referring to baby weight loss, as she worked her but off to lose it. some controversy.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Page 7:ameyer8009 likes it when wedding invites tell where the couple is registered and what the formality of the dress code is. I feel this is just good ettiquette. Slightly POPULAR
    (mostly duggar talk and Blanket Training)
    Page 8:
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageBearfootz:

    Wait - when did they become polygamous?  I thought all those kids came out of one uterus?

    I fail so hard. I thought the Duggars were the Sister Wives. Ugh. Laugh at me all you want.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageBostonKisses2:

    thank you, I have been waiting for this and it came at lunch time when I can actually read it.  The stars have aligned.

    Bostonkisses - I agree, claymation and anything with whatever animation is in The Nightmare Before Christmas is creepy to me.

    Yes!  Another supporter to my side!  Take that and smoke it, LD!  jaykay.  Seriously though, it's creepy.  I get the willies every time that Sam Sandwich short comes on Disney Jr. 

    I like claymation. I know a bit about the process it takes for it to happen, so I have an appreciation for claymation and stop motion animation.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • Page 9:LaurelBee thinks it?s cruel to take a picture of an unsuspecting person and post it on the internet for the sole reason to make fun of an humilate that person. I don?t think she understands how the internet (or those news pieces about obesity in America with the black boxes over fat people?s faces) work.
    mrs_sexy doesn?t understand how winning the lotto can mess up a person?s life. The issue is, money can change relationships, and the cliche that relationships matter more than money is true. Also, a lot of people blow through it way too fast. Look at MC Hammer for a great cautionary tale about sudden wealth. Technically UNPOPULAR?
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Page 10:(lotto talk)
    (Duggard talk)
    When mbenit4 sees a well behaved child, she thinks that child must have been taught not to think for themselves. Sarcasm? Please don?t confuse your recapper if it is :(
    Page 11:(more lotto talk)
    mbenit4 doesn?t get why so many people are against CIO. Discussion Inducing, since it was phrased in a very moderate, tempered way.
    mbenit4 doesn?t get the ?must get to disney? mentality. She also doesn?t get the need for family vacations. I don?t either. I never really liked family vacations. DW, meanwhile is like a crazed animal that is always trying to plan vacations and road trips for us, costs be damned. I feel like this might be the difference between her being SAH and me feeling like I don?t get to spend enough waking hours at home. I do love to travel, but I?d prefer to save our money for one big trip than piss it away on a bunch of little mini-trips. Somewhat POPULAR
    mbenit4 thinks all children should be taught to swim. I agree. VERY POPULAR
    ReeseFox vented
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Page 12:
    eddy321 doesn?t agree with the blind love for all soldiers. I agree to a certain extent, especially considering the statistics that are coming out about how much sexual assault goes on in the military. Obviously there are good and bad people in all walks of life. But deployment is tough, and I?m glad someone else is doing it and not me. Not really addressed.
    LuckyDad thinks Christina Aguilera is hotter now at her current weight than she was as a skinny teenager.
    Page 13:

    (swim talk)

    (creationist museum talk)
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imagemissyishere:
    I like claymation. I know a bit about the process it takes for it to happen, so I have an appreciation for claymation and stop motion animation.

    I feel like I grew up on it. I made my own stop motion video with my action figures. I'm still pissed I can't find the VHS tape in my mom's house that has it on there so I can upload it to youtube.

     Seriously though, Gumby. Wallace and Gromit. So beautiful.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • I had a UO earlier this week and I do remember it but I feel so crappy that I don't have the energy to type it. It wouldn't have been too scandalous anyway.

    Now, LD, question. Do you like Christina the way she was her last season on The Voice or how she is now after dropping like 20 lbs? She's still not skinny teenager but she's svelter than she was a few months ago. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageLuckyDad:
    Page 12:
    eddy321 doesn?t agree with the blind love for all soldiers. I agree to a certain extent, especially considering the statistics that are coming out about how much sexual assault goes on in the military. Obviously there are good and bad people in all walks of life. But deployment is tough, and I?m glad someone else is doing it and not me. Not really addressed.
    LuckyDad thinks Christina Aguilera is hotter now at her current weight than she was as a skinny teenager.
    Page 13:

    (swim talk)

    (creationist museum talk) 

    Call me!
  • imageLuckyDad:
    Page 12:
    eddy321 doesn?t agree with the blind love for all soldiers. I agree to a certain extent, especially considering the statistics that are coming out about how much sexual assault goes on in the military. Obviously there are good and bad people in all walks of life. But deployment is tough, and I?m glad someone else is doing it and not me. Not really addressed.
    LuckyDad thinks Christina Aguilera is hotter now at her current weight than she was as a skinny teenager.
    Page 13:

    (swim talk)

    (creationist museum talk) 

    You're not alone in this opinion.


    ETA: fixed? 

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imageMrsGoodkat:

    I had a UO earlier this week and I do remember it but I feel so crappy that I don't have the energy to type it. It wouldn't have been too scandalous anyway.

    Now, LD, question. Do you like Christina the way she was her last season on The Voice or how she is now after dropping like 20 lbs? She's still not skinny teenager but she's svelter than she was a few months ago. 

    If I had to pick, I'll take the slightly more svelte version. But neither would be kicked out of bed for eating crackers.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageBostonKisses2:

    I still have an appreciation for it as an art, and have seen documentaries on how they make it.  Still doesn't change my mind that it's creepy. 

    Well, the Tim Burton stuff is SUPPOSED to be creepy. So if you're mostly talking about Nightmare Before Xmas and Coraline... yeah, those are cute/creepy. Creepute?
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageLuckyDad:

    I like claymation. I know a bit about the process it takes for it to happen, so I have an appreciation for claymation and stop motion animation.

    I feel like I grew up on it. I made my own stop motion video with my action figures. I'm still pissed I can't find the VHS tape in my mom's house that has it on there so I can upload it to youtube.

     Seriously though, Gumby. Wallace and Gromit. So beautiful.

    ::high fives LD::

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • imageChristinaAguilera:
    Call me!

    I'm really glad you managed to win the Teen Diva war between you, Britney, Jessica Simpson and Mandy Moore. You always had the best voice of the bunch.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageLuckyDad:

    Page 9:

    LaurelBee thinks it?s cruel to take a picture of an unsuspecting person and post it on the internet for the sole reason to make fun of an humilate that person. I don?t think she understands how the internet (or those news pieces about obesity in America with the black boxes over fat people?s faces) work.

    I'm surprised this is a UO! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid

    Rap Roller
  • I got two mentions in one recap. It's a new personal best!

    "Man, be creative. Like the stuff you do. Do nice things. Love respectfully. Laugh a fucking lot. Curse when you feel like it. Life is cool." - Jean Grae

    image image
    M (3/9/02) and E (2/28/12)


  • Now for this week's "awards": 


    nancy30005 thinks birthday shout outs to children that can?t read on FB are ridiculous. I disagree... I think it?s used as a literary device. VERY UNPOPULAR







    acaudill75 doesn?t think a doctor?s note is a sufficient reason to wear skirts to work. This isn?t really a UO, but it amused me. It?s interesting, because in some professions like Law, a skirt is viewed as more professional than pants. This also may have inspired more comments than anything else. Stanky vag. DISCUSSION INDUCING and GROSS

    GROSSEST (couldn't find a good image for this that I actually wanted to use) 

    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • suv75suv75 member
    Oooooo, we are doing awards now? The competitive side of me will have to contribute to the UO thread more often!
  • imagesuv75:
    Oooooo, we are doing awards now? The competitive side of me will have to contribute to the UO thread more often!

    I have inconsistently declared a Most Unpopular Opinion. Some weeks there is too much dramz to be worth it, and others I get lazy.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imagespeer06:

    I got two mentions in one recap. It's a new personal best!

    Me too! I was super excited. It was a good day!

    I love how much joy this seems to bring to people. Especially since I've made it pretty clear just how easy it is to make the recap. Just don't talk about food or Taylor swift. Helps if you make it a clear UO, not a shoot-off discussion. And yeah, occasionally I lump shoot-offs in. But a person could say "I think the color yellow is ugly" and I would recap them, weak as that UO would be.

    ETA: Cuz seriously, I've thrown out some really weak UOs in recent weeks and recapped them myself. It's not just nepotism.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Thanks for stealing my joy LD. You wanna piss in my Cheerios while you're at it? Steal a cookie from a baby perhaps? What kind of monster are you?!?!!

    "Man, be creative. Like the stuff you do. Do nice things. Love respectfully. Laugh a fucking lot. Curse when you feel like it. Life is cool." - Jean Grae

    image image
    M (3/9/02) and E (2/28/12)


  • imageReeseFox:
    Thanks for stealing my joy LD. You wanna piss in my Cheerios while you're at it? Steal a cookie from a baby perhaps? What kind of monster are you?!?!!

    I would never ruin good cheerios like that. I use my words to hurt, not physical actions.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
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