My almost 6 month old baby will not sleep alone. He has to be touching me.
I have tried warming the bed, letting him sleep on his side, swaddling, CIO, everything.....
We sleep nose to nose every night and I just can't go on. My house is falling down around me because I can't do anything from always holding him and I'm so freaking tired.
Please parenting, fix us.
ETA: I tried CIO again today. He cried for an hour. I checked on him 3 times then after an hour picked him up and he fell asleep in my arms immediately. I feel horrible....
My 4 Angel Babies.....
MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009
Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!
Re: Need sleep help
We did Ferber for nighttime sleep, which worked wonders...but for naptime, it was a disaster. We had to do CIO without check-ins. I had a video monitor and would shower, run on the treadmill, whatever to keep myself from going in that room.
DS used to need to be rocked to sleep for 45+ minutes, slept for 4 hours in his PNP next to us, and then slept in bed with us for the next 4 hours. Now, he goes to bed without a peep, naps are awesome as well, and if he wakes up, he can easily put himself back to sleep.
Are you following a certain sleep training method? You should have set intervals for checking in (more than three in an hour if you're following Ferber, which I'm guessing is what you're attempting with checking in?). This website helped a lot of girls (and me) on my BMB:
Be consistent. If you're just going to pick him up, don't bother, because then he's crying and you're crying for no reason, KWIM? Pick a method and stick with it. It will work.
Also, we transitioned to the crib at the same time. He was 6 months old. It was the best thing we ever did; doing both at the same time. He was over it in a few days and now, all sleep in his crib.
ETA: Tip: Establish a naptime routine. For us, it's bottle, turn on the white noise machine, hug (he instantly hugs me now when he hears the noise), kiss, down, seahorse on.
ETA2: This got lengthy, but we had a hell of a time the first 6 months with sleep and I loved when I posted things like this and people actually responded with more than, "He's a baby, get over it."
My 4 Angel Babies.....
MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009
Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!