Feeling defeated right now. Lo had an appt for her weight check last night and only gained 3 oz since her check 1 month ago (she weighs 13 lb 1 oz). We've been batteling with reflux, seeing a gi specialist and switched her from zantac to prilosec last month. She started seeing nutrutionist and in addition to mixing her neosure to 24 calories, we've been putting olive oil in her purees and giving her mashed avocado (and we've been feeding her around the clock since she was discharged from the NICU- she takes her formula well when she's sleeping). So I was definately hoping for a bigger gain last night. Dr. tried to comfort us but it sucks. Has anyone had a similar situation? Did something at some point just "kick in" and your LO started eating more and gaining more weight?
I guess if things keep going this way she'll do pediasure when she gets old enough for it. I know I should be grateful that she didn't loose weight and I should be happy that she grew an inch, and that she doesn't have any other medical issues but right now, but I can't be thankful, I just feel crappy.
Re: weight gain issues
Yes we've also had slow weight gaining issues, especially with my smaller twin. Since I was BFing we added in a couple neosure fortified bottles which really helped. I noticed they have growth spurts and periods where they don't gain as much weight. With him, it took him quite a while to start eating solids. We also still do all we can to give him extra calories by adding butter, olive oil, cheese. I just checked our records and he was only 12.14lbs at 9 mo and 15.12 lbs at 12 mo, and at 22 months he's barely 20 lbs. So even though he's never really been on a growth chart, he has his own curve that he follows which is okay since he's a healthy little guy. It's just hard to keep weight on him now that he's so active. It sounds like you are doing everything right and if her doc isn't too worried, just give it time.
P.S. we were told to give him pediasure at 18 months, but he's allergic to milk so we add extra formula to his soy milk to give more calories.
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
<a href="http://s568.photobucket.com/albums/ss122/AliceNP/?action=view
We are dealing with weight gain issues, too, unfortunately. My little peanut is about 13.5 lbs at 7 mo. actual. He is a terrible eater and has reflux (he's been on Prevacid since early December). We've just started solids, but he's not very interested in them, either. Doctors have been ok with it since he's following his own growth curve. He's certainly gaining length, so I'm trying not to worry too much. I totally understand how you're feeling. Keep up the good work and try to be patient with her!