Hi, you might remember me. I post here and there but mostly lurk. We are still unsure of whether or not we are going to pursue adoption (will probably have a better idea in the next few months), but I have a question that has been on my mind.
We are currently renting an apartment that we have lived in for just over 2 years while saving for a house. We are now hoping to purchase a home in the next year or so. If we do move forward with adoption how will moving affect it? If we were to get a homestudy approved at our current place, what would we have to do once we moved into the new house? I'm assuming that we would have to have it inspected, etc. but not sure what that would look like. We are stable in our jobs, finances, etc. and are not planning any other changes besides purchasing a home.
Maybe I am getting ahead of myself, but these are the things I wonder about. Has anyone else had experience with this? Thanks in advance for helping with the newbie questions!
Re: Lurker question - moving
When you move, you'll need to get your homestudy updated. The details likely vary from agency to agency. But it will basically be a walk through of the new place to make sure it's still safe and workable for a child.
This exactly what we were told by our home study social worker. Assuming you aren't moving to a different state, you'll likely just need a walk through of the new place. GL!
Thank you! We aren't moving to a different state. Most likely just 20-30 minutes from where we currently live.
Started TTC July 2012. Missed m/c & d&c 9/12 11w. Natural m/c 1/13 6w. Chemical pgs 3/13 & 8/13 around 4w. Currently TTA while saving for adoption.
“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.” -Helen Keller