I am expecting my first child and would like to cloth diaper. I have no idea where to start and would like to learn everything I need to know about products prior to registering. Can anyone explain all of the terminology, prefolds, inserts, covers, etc?
Also, how much of each item should I plan to accumulate (both in newborn size and larger sizes). I'd like to register for the ideal amount of everything and obviously we'll end up purchasing much of it ourselves.
Please treat this as anything you'd like to share about cloth diapering as well. What are some tips you've learned, things you wish you new, etc...
Re: All about cloth diapering
Also google cloth diaper 101 on youtube it's a 7 part series.
Newborn you will need at least 24 diapers if you want to wash every other day. I have 36 prefolds and 6 covers plus 2 bumgenius all in ones newborn size and 3 alva pocket diapers newborn size that I love. My covers are all just one size covers that way I don't have to buy more as she grows. We also have 12 more sunbaby one size pocket diapers that she started fitting into around the 9lb mark that we love as well. My stash is still small as we are just getting started. Once they get a little older you wont need as many diapers.
You will need a pail (we just bought a 13 gallon garbage pail from target) and a pail liner. I got a planetwise pail liner which fits in the 13 gallon pail perfectly. I'm also ordering a sprayer which isn't necessary but seems convenient. Some people just use a spatula and swish in the toilet. The FAQ for this board can answer a lot of questions and has a spreadsheet that goes over tons of different brands and reviews on them. My suggestion is to get a few different options as every kid is different and different diapers work for different babies. And you will hear a lot of suggestions on detergent but it's really up to you on what you want to try. Some places and people will say no Tide but I've heard of tons of people using Tide with success. I personally do because it's conveniently located at the store, we've had no problems yet and it's cheaper than the special cloth detergents.