I guess it would depend on if I actually like the name or not.
I love the name, its my own first name...just wondering if it would be weird to name the child that as well? You don't hear many woman these days carrying on a name. I get "I like your name, is it a family name?" IDK, I probably shouldn't even be thinking of names this early in the game..I JUST CANT HELP MYSELF!
I guess it would depend on the name. I don't have anything on my mind that would be unique that my H would agree to. Annika is probably the most obscure name I could think of that I would use in a heartbeat. The other thing is that I would hope it isn't too out there compared to your other kid's names.
I like our "naming rule": Something that you've heard of before but is rare. Our Boys are Quinton and Theodore.
I guess it would depend on if I actually like the name or not.
I love the name, its my own first name...just wondering if it would be weird to name the child that as well? You don't hear many woman these days carrying on a name. I get "I like your name, is it a family name?" IDK, I probably shouldn't even be thinking of names this early in the game..I JUST CANT HELP MYSELF!
If you and your H agree-- I don't think there is anything wrong with naming a child after yourself.
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
One of my good friends has a girl & a boy. Her daughter shares her first name & her son has her DH's first name. Both kids go by their middle name. I'm not a fan of the middle name thing, but they are happy that their kids have their names. My DH says it's very selfish of parents to give kids their names. He strongly thinks kids need their own names. I agree with him, but don't think of it as being selfish.
I adore my name but wouldn't pass it on to my (theoretical) daughter. I strongly support giving a brand new life a brand new name. That said, I would definitely aim for uniqueness. Not made up unique, just unpopular.
My husband's family is doing something like that. Every first born son is named George + Middle Name. The boy goes by the MN and then passes on the tradition to his son. Maybe you could do a similar thing with a girl? My husband is the 7th lol (they don't use the actual number but I counted and the tradition started 7 generations ago). I think its pretty cool. we are definitely going to try and keep the tradition going, hopefully next one will be a boy. If not it'll be up to our daughter to keep it alive in her family.
We all have nature themed names in my family and we've continued this with DS, but they're not outlandish. MH and I have names along the lines of "Hunter" and "Hazel".
We have a middle name in my family that is passed down to the oldest daughter. My mother started with it and gave it to me. Now my daughter has that middle name It's not a unique name by any means. Actually it's probably the most. Common middle name out there. But it has turned into a neat tradition. I think of you love your name and want your daughter to have it, go for it! Just have some way to distinguish between the two of you. (a Nickname or calling her by her middle name)
Our DS is Nicklaus, named for DH's grandfather. There are a few others in the family, but they're all spelled Nicholas as far as I know. DH calls our son Klaus. Not bizarre, but unusual. I love Nicklaus but mostly call him Nicky.
If I had a nice obscure ethnic name I might use it in the MN spot for a daughter.
But I really feel like names are better if they skip a generation at least. I wouldn't use either of my names for a child, but I'd be very flattered if a grandchild was given one of my names.
If we have a girl we'll be handing down my middle name to her and hope that she keeps it in the family in the future, as it has a lot of meaning.
I am passing down my middle name as well. Both my DD s will have it as my sister and I shared the same middle name. I think I would pass your first name on as a middle name, but I am not into passing on first names at all, male or female.
Re: Passing on a name?
I love the name, its my own first name...just wondering if it would be weird to name the child that as well? You don't hear many woman these days carrying on a name. I get "I like your name, is it a family name?" IDK, I probably shouldn't even be thinking of names this early in the game..I JUST CANT HELP MYSELF!
I like our "naming rule": Something that you've heard of before but is rare. Our Boys are Quinton and Theodore.
If you and your H agree-- I don't think there is anything wrong with naming a child after yourself.
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
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I'm not a fan of naming your child after yourself - be it after the father or mother, for a boy or a girl.
I find it narcissistic and infringing on the individuality of the child.
If I had a nice obscure ethnic name I might use it in the MN spot for a daughter.
But I really feel like names are better if they skip a generation at least. I wouldn't use either of my names for a child, but I'd be very flattered if a grandchild was given one of my names.
I am passing down my middle name as well. Both my DD s will have it as my sister and I shared the same middle name. I think I would pass your first name on as a middle name, but I am not into passing on first names at all, male or female.