My little girl is 6 months old and for the past month or so she has been grabbing at her ears when she gets upset. At first we were sure it was due to teething since she was also drooling profoundly, but she still has no teeth in sight and the ear pulling has only intensified. Now I'm worried that it could be an ear infection instead. She just had her 6 month check up less than a week ago and the doctor didn't seem concerned when she checked her ears but I'm still a little worried. How can I tell the difference between teething and ear infections? Should I bring her back to the doctor or wait it out and see if a tooth comes?
Re: Teething or ear infection?
ear pulling is a classic sign of tiredness, too.
If LO develops a fever, then I'd worry about an ear infection.
Teeth can take a long time to come in. We're still waiting on LO's first and she's been showing signs since she was four months old. She pulls at her ear a lot and I called the pediatrician about it one day. I was told by the on-call nurse that congestion goes along with ear infections and a fever higher than 99 degrees. My LO has never had an ear infection (knock on wood), but that's what I was told by our office.
Oh, and her ears are always clear when we go to the doctor. If you're concerned about it, I would call and ask your office. That's what they're here for.