March 2013 Moms

Chubby neck rolls?

My little pudgy baby has these neck rolls, and the skin between them gets irritated and stinky!. I've been washing her neck everyday, and drying it well but it doesn't seem to help the irritation. I've tried baby powder, and today thought I would try a bit of vaseline. Anyone else going through this? Any ideas? Thanks!

Re: Chubby neck rolls?

  • LO has stinky neck but I have not noticed any irritation. My biggest thing is trying to wipe it out good after every bottle. It seems to be less stinky these days.

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  • My little man definitely has this same issue. I wash his neck and face daily with a cool wash rag and let it air dry before putting clothes back on him. Usually he'll let me hold him with his head tilted back a little so it has a chance to dry. It took a few days of this before it started to clear up but it's been great ever since. I didn't want to put baby powder or anything else down there as I think having stuff stuck under his chin was part of the problem (sweat, breastmilk, etc.).
    Me: 30, DH: 33 Married 8/3/08
    BFP 7/16/2012 (8th cycle), EDD 3/27/2012, Delivered 3/24/2013 - IT'S A BOY!
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  • tig594tig594 member
    I laughed out loud at the term "stinky neck." Then i thought " mean my DD actually might have a neck under those rolls???"I use a cloth diaper or burp rag over a bib on DD because she is such a little oinker. I hate it when she gets formula in her rolls and all over her clothes. I tuck the top layer right in under her chin. I can hear her daddy in the living room talking to her about her stinky neck as i type...
  • My LO has the same problem. Aquaphor cleared it up fast!! It does come back though so I put a little on each day to keep it from getting bad.
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  • Yep, my LO has same issue. I second great!
  • A friend of mine suggested to wipe baby oil on, or rather in the folds. She swears by it. My guy hasn't gotten rolly yet or I'd let you k.ow if it worked. I always wondered what baby oil was for lol.
  • Desitin! Keeps the moisture out :D
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  • jajoba  oil clears up my lo's anything. it is natural and works really fast.

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  • Same prob! Clean it out really good then we dry it and use aquaphor to get rid of the redness worked great!
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