I had a uterine septum removed on Friday. I am hopeful that if nothing else, it will decrease the risk/interventions needed with a (hopeful) subsequent pregnancy.
Anyone had any experience with having/removing a septum?
TTC since May 2011
Provera x3 late 2011, no natural response. (Previous BCP for 12 years).
Dx PCOS April 2012.
Clomid x 4 - no response.
First FSH/Ovidrel cycle early Aug 2012 - 18 days of injections, slow growth, erratic estrogen levels, triggered Aug 21st.
BFP Sept 4th and Sept 7th!
7wk US Sept 28th - triplets!
Perfect triplets lost at 20 weeks due to incompetent cervix. Allison Grace, James Alexander and Colin Gregory forever in our hearts!
IVF #1 10/11/13 - canceled before retrieval.
IVF# 2 11/28/13 - retrieval on Turkey Day! Hyperstim - no transfer
FET #1 2/4/14 - miscarriage @ 9 weeks (Trisomy 6)
FET #2 6/8/14 - healthy normal baby! Due date 2/25/15
Re: XP: Septum Anyone?
No experience with this but I hope it will help! Also YGPM!
Ava's Story

BFP#2 10/18/13 Blighted ovum 11/25/13
BFP #3 1/31/14 EDD 10/18/14 -- It's a GIRL!
Ava's Story

BFP#2 10/18/13 Blighted ovum 11/25/13
BFP #3 1/31/14 EDD 10/18/14 -- It's a GIRL!