Chit Chat

First time mom

Hey! So this is my first baby, I'm 16 weeks pregnant and I miss my baby. I haven't had an ultrasound since 6 weeks, or been to the doctor in a month to feel the heartbeat. Is this normal? I just want to see her (my assumption) or hear her. Any ideas to help me not worry about her being okay?

Re: First time mom

  • Normal to not have had any ultrasound until around 20 weeks but they should be having you in about every 4 weeks for a check. If it's been a month now, are you scheduled for an appt anytime soon? You could buy your own doppler to use at home if you think it would help reassure you until you can feel the baby moving. I've never used one but seems a lot of people like the Sonoline B one.

    My sweet angels...
    Baby girl grew wings 11/14/11, 20w
    Baby boy grew wings 4/20/13, 16w
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