January 2013 Moms

Anyone teething?

I think we might be. My little guy is cranky, drooling even more than usual, trying to chew on my hand, not wanting to nurse as easily. No temperature or signs of illness. I see what may be a small swollen area on his bottom gums, but he's not a huge fan of me trying to examine it. He's 4 months tomorrow, so I guess it's not too soon for this.
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Re: Anyone teething?

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    It's definitely not too soon for teething, although it is probably on the younger side. 

    However, the drooling and chewing are common whether they are teething or not. Sometimes it is so hard to tell for sure until that tooth pops through.

    I am dreading teething ... once it starts, it is a roller coaster that doesn't stop for nearly 2 years! 


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    DD popped her two bottom teeth almost two weeks ago. I am afraid her top ones may be following soon. Ouch for her and me! Getting teeth early runs in our family. She will be 16 weeks on Monday.
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    Definitely not too soon. Some kids are even born with teeth!

    If it is teething though there's no guarantee of teeth showing themselves anytime soon. Teething symptoms can show up months before the tooth erupts. The more chewing he gets the more relief he'll feel and the faster his teeth will show.

    My little man started showing teething signs a month ago, still no teeth...they're getting closer though!

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    Yup, Leo has 5 right now. Let me tell you, it sucks. Just sucks. The poor guy is miserable. They all popped up within the last couple weeks. He is 4 months today. We have just been using teething gel. He likes to chew on rags. No toys help him.

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    I think I saw the white slats in her bottom gum, but I'm not 100% positive; she sure is drooling like crazy, gnawing into her hands and everything and has a lot of liquid poops.. yay!

    DS didn't get his first tooth until 6m, but I think DD is about to get hers 

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    My ped said average is six months so its totally possible. C started about 8 weeks and hasn't stopped. His hand or mine is the best chew toy. He'll do cold wet clothes occasionally but they mess with his stomach.
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    DD has been teething for almost 2 months with no actual teeth yet.
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    i kinda feel like were in the same boat. LO is drooling and trying to eat everything! his gums seem a little swollen but nothing crazy. so i guess we will see!!
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