Sorry to post a subject that probably gets over-posted, but I can't help it. The weight of my twins are getting the best of me, they feel so heavy and low tonight in my pelvic area. I can barely sit when I go to the bathroom. I can barely walk to the bathroom too. Is labor near? I am already 95% effaced and dilated to a 3, so I don't think I am far from active labor.
Anyone else go through a similar situation and make it weeks (not days) farther?
If I call my doctor I don't they will tell me to do anything unless I am feeling contractions or my water breaks. I am a few days short of 30 weeks.
Re: Labor Near? Very heavy pressure
I would absolutely call. With the bed rest situations you've already gone through and being shy of 30 weeks, just call and put your mind at ease.
I'm just shy of 36 weeks and the pressure is intense but that's with 6 more weeks of growing and no bed rest concerns.