
Ask me anything

I'm babysitting a sleeping infant. I downed a beer and I'm bored.

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Re: Ask me anything

  • Whats your favorite breed of dog?

    Favorite breed of cat?

    yes or no to birds?

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickersImage and video hosting by TinyPic
  • SAHM or WM? How many LO's do you have/want?
  • Loading the player...
  • imageNana_Osaki06:
    Whats your favorite breed of dog?Favorite breed of cat?yes or no to birds?

    Dog... I don't really have a favorite breed. I love the trainability of labs, but adored my sheltie and collie growing up. My favorite "type" of dog is the sensitive and reactive sort. I love training them down.

    Cat... Whatever cat has walked into my life and claimed me! I should say Abyssinian. They're less likely to trigger allergies and I hope to find one dh can breathe around.

    Birds... Yes, on the whole. I don't like the super shrieky ones, but I've known and loved many birds.

    image image
  • Can I borrow your hedgie? Or can we at least have some new pics posted? 
  • imageMamatoA2010:
    SAHM or WM? How many LO's do you have/want?

    I work. Always planned to stay at home, but life is funny. I love my job.

    I have one son, who will be three in August. I would love three kids. We're six months into trying for number two, but my uterus is all sorts of effed up thanks to mirena and I may need to accept having one kid or move on to adoption.

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  • What kind of beer are you drinking? I'm drinking for the first time since Thanksgiving.

    Who's your favorite rapper?

    What's your go-to karaoke song?

    Would you rather be on Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune?

    Who's the superior gay boybander: Jonathan Knight or Lance Bass?

    My sweet angels...
    Baby girl grew wings 11/14/11, 20w
    Baby boy grew wings 4/20/13, 16w
  • imageRondackHiker:
    SAHM or WM? How many LO's do you have/want?
    I work. Always planned to stay at home, but life is funny. I love my job. I have one son, who will be three in August. I would love three kids. We're six months into trying for number two, but my uterus is all sorts of effed up thanks to mirena and I may need to accept having one kid or move on to adoption.

    Gotcha! I'm going to be a working mom soon too. GL with your TTC journey!

  • imageKlondikeBar:
    Can I borrow your hedgie? Or can we at least have some new pics posted?

    Here's a bad pic of her from today. image

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  • imageSunnyMeg1:
    What kind of beer are you drinking? I'm drinking for the first time since Thanksgiving. Who's your favorite rapper?What's your goto karaoke song?Would you rather be on Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune?Who's the superior gay boybander: Jonathan Knight or Lance Bass?

    I'm drinking Flying Dog, Doggie style.

    I don't really listen to rap so can't answer!

    It's raining men!



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  • imagebearsbearsbears:
    When are you planning on getting a horse?nbsp; You seem a little obsessed [;]

    When we can afford it! Dh won't be making much next year, but I'd love to start with some lessons to get back in shape and horse hunt within two years. I miss it.

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  • imagekiraliz2:
    How do you feel about Justin Timberlake?

    I'm meh about him. I don't keep up with celebs much. Has he done anything lately for me to care about?

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  • imagekiraliz2:
    marry fukc kill:

    Steve Carell
    Steven Colbert
    Steve Martin

    My confession is I had to google two names.

    I guess I'd marry Martin, he seems funny. Old, but funny. Colbert, I'd fukc, but wouldn't expect him to be faithful. He seems a player. I like Carell, but wouldn't want to have sex with him.

    image image
  • imagekiraliz2:
    If you had to move to S America, what country would you pick?

    Bolivia. A good friend has family there, and I know many of them. They'd help me settle in.

    image image
  • coffee or tea?


    Beer or wine?


    boxers or briefs?

  • imagegimmietimmies:
    coffee or tea?nbsp;Beer or wine?nbsp;boxers or briefs?

    Coffee, beer, boxers

    image image
  • imagebearsbearsbears:

    coffee or tea?nbsp;Beer or wine?nbsp;boxers or briefs?

    Coffee, beer, boxers

    What about boxer briefs?

    I can't convince dh to try them, sadly.

    image image
  • imagebearsbearsbears:

    coffee or tea?nbsp;Beer or wine?nbsp;boxers or briefs?
    Coffee, beer, boxers

    What about boxer briefs?

    Excellent. And I would put boxer briefs on the boxer side.
  • LouiejLouiej member

    Usually I lurk here, but I love the hedgehog!!

    How many people did you tell my unfortunate mailman story to?

    Remember me? :) 

  • imageLouiej:
    Usually I lurk here, but I love the hedgehog!!How many people did you tell my unfortunate mailman story to? Remember me? :nbsp;

    I've told several at this point.

    I love that story so much. I'm laughing again.

    image image
  • imageRondackHiker:
    Usually I lurk here, but I love the hedgehog!!How many people did you tell my unfortunate mailman story to? Remember me? :nbsp;
    I've told several at this point. I love that story so much. I'm laughing again.
    I missed that. Spill.
  • LouiejLouiej member

    Usually I lurk here, but I love the hedgehog!!How many people did you tell my unfortunate mailman story to? Remember me? :nbsp;
    I've told several at this point. I love that story so much. I'm laughing again.
    I missed that. Spill.

     Haha! My DH loves to tell that story....often to complete strangers. It is a pretty funny story...

    sorry no clicky... 

  • imagekiraliz2:
    How do you feel about Justin Timberlake?

    I'm meh about him. I don't keep up with celebs much. Has he done anything lately for me to care about?

    I was not an NSync fan, but he's won over my heart in recent years. I lerve him with a passion now.
    Not really I guess. I used to not care for him but now I think he's pretty great. I think he's hilarious.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • imageIgoo0304:
    Favorite horse breed?What's your degree? Are you in that career field?nbsp;

    Like dogs, it's more personality. I fall for the tough guys. The slightly stand offish, sensitive jerks who are hard to ride and fast and amazing. I'd like an Arab to do endurance next.

    My degree is in biology, and I work in the writing, training, tech field. I develop training simulations.

    image image
  • If you could live in another era, what.would it be and why?

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • imageLouiej:

    Usually I lurk here, but I love the hedgehog!!How many people did you tell my unfortunate mailman story to? Remember me? :nbsp;
    I've told several at this point. I love that story so much. I'm laughing again.
    I missed that. Spill.

     Haha! My DH loves to tell that story....often to complete strangers. It is a pretty funny story...

    sorry no clicky... 

    Dying. Just dying. I need a drink I'm laughing so hard. That is beyond awesome.
  • imagemissyishere:
    If you could live in another era, what.would it be and why?

    Wild West! Mostly because I'm happiest outdoors, working hard, and being with animals.

    image image
  • imageRondackHiker:

    coffee or tea?nbsp;Beer or wine?nbsp;boxers or briefs?

    Coffee, beer, boxers

    What about boxer briefs?

    I can't convince dh to try them, sadly.

    Love DH in his boxer briefs. I even shared a nice asss shot in his fruit of the looms in CC yesterday...

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • Do you like BBQ?

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • imagemissyishere:
    Do you like BBQ?

    It's okay. I like the food that comes along with BBQ.

    image image
  • Favorite childhood cartoon?

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • What is your favorite dish to make? Fav dish when someone else is cooking?
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imagemissyishere:
    Favorite childhood cartoon?

    TMNT. Turtle power!

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  • imageLittleFish1:
    What is your favorite dish to make? Fav dish when someone else is cooking?

    I love making Alfredo sauce. So easy and so good.

    I like to order buffalo chicken. I can never get it right at home!

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  • imageIgoo0304:

    Favorite horse breed?What's your degree? Are you in that career field?nbsp;

    Like dogs, it's more personality. I fall for the tough guys. The slightly stand offish, sensitive jerks who are hard to ride and fast and amazing. I'd like an Arab to do endurance next.

    My degree is in biology, and I work in the writing, training, tech field. I develop training simulations.


    You would love my horse. He's such an a-hole, but he can be incredibly sweet. I tell DH if I ever get a real job, I'm getting an endurance horse. 

    Dh pointed out to me that when I talk about every horse I loved I mention that he or she was grumpy and picky. I love the ones that make you work for it! Nickel was a jerk to almost everyone but usually sweet to me.

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  • imageRondackHiker:
    What is your favorite dish to make? Fav dish when someone else is cooking?

    I love making Alfredo sauce. So easy and so good.

    I like to order buffalo chicken. I can never get it right at home!
    how do you make your alfredo sauce? I have only tried once and did not turn out well at all
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • LouiejLouiej member
    Who's your favorite TMNT? And why.
  • imageRondackHiker:
    Can I borrow your hedgie? Or can we at least have some new pics posted?
    Here's a bad pic of her from today. image

    Cute! Hedgie pics fall into the same category as pizza and sex. It's still good when it's bad:) 
  • imageLouiej:
    Who's your favorite TMNT? And why.

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. No explanation needed. They're amazing.

    image image
  • LouiejLouiej member

    Who's your favorite TMNT? And why.
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. No explanation needed. They're amazing.

    No...I get it. Trust.

    Which turtle? Mine's Donatello. 

  • How do you feel about Jon Hamm's cockk?

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

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