Pregnant after 35

Abdominal real estate is scarce; Do any stretches help?

At about 22 weeks, I started getting occasional reflux and indigestion. I know it is because I am "carrying" really high. ...maybe my relaxin hormones haven't really kicked in yet & I will pop more forward more soon. For now, I am only able to eat small meals. If I eat too much, I feel like I will explode.  

Has anyone had success with stretches to help the uterus to grow more forward instead of high? Maybe stretches that loosen the abdominal muscles?    

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Re: Abdominal real estate is scarce; Do any stretches help?

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    GuennieGuennie member
    I am only 12 weeks and my acid reflux and indigestion is already HORRIBLE. I'm scared to think how bad it's going to be when there's no more room in there!! I have heard that yoga can help and some people also say acupuncture can help some women. I haven't tried either. I may try yoga once I'm feeling better. Good luck!
    Me:41, DH:41 Positive for MTHFR mutations- one copy C677T, one copy A1298C. One daughter born on Thanksgiving in 2013. Six losses.
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    GuennieGuennie member
    P.S. this is a common issue no matter how you are carrying. I'm not even popped up yet and I have the same problem, I can only eat a tiny bit of food at one time. I have mild IBS so I think that contributes to the problem. My dr put me on Prilosec to help with the reflux, it's been a lifesaver.
    Me:41, DH:41 Positive for MTHFR mutations- one copy C677T, one copy A1298C. One daughter born on Thanksgiving in 2013. Six losses.
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    EmbilEmbil member
    Yoga and stretching will help. One I find really helpful is to be sitting on the floor with your legs crossed, back and shoulders straight and then you lift your arms overhead and stretch up towards the ceiling while elongating your torso.
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    I spent a lot of time Friday to Sunday up and moving doing stretches like the ones you mention and generally doing very heavy yard/house work. I stayed up and moving most of the evening last night after work too. I can actually see the change in my abdominal muscles from the weekend. They have thinned/stretched a bit. As much as I loved my six-pack, I'm happy to let them go in this torso real estate market. 

    I am SOOO happy to say that the reflux is least for now. I expect some return in the late 3rd trimester, but getting it back at 23 weeks seemed way too early...even for my petite frame.  

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    I'm glad the stretches worked for you.  Wish I had known about them when I was in my 2nd trimester! :-)  I had really bad heartburn to the point that I would cough and cough and almost vomit.  I'm not sure how far along I was when it started but it was probably around 23-25 weeks.

    The heartburn has eased up a lot since the baby is now head down.  Unfortunately my bladder isn't very happy.  When I walk I feel the head pressing and bouncing on my bladder.  I'd rather deal with that than heartburn any day though! 

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