Working Moms

Bottles for the daytime

I EP and have the bottles filled and ready for my MIL (who watches DS during the day). Right now I'm sending them over in a bag made from the cardboard of a Corona 6 pack bc we are just classy like that. I need to find another option obviously for when we go places other than her house. I know Medela has a lunchbox that has the straps to hold bottles up but I'm thinking someone else has something similar for a better price want something that won't let the bottles tip over bc DH takes DS and isnt real careful with the bag. I send 6 dr brown's standard bottles. What do you ladies have??
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Re: Bottles for the daytime

  • I also EP. I have an embark brand insulated lunch box that I paid five dollars for at Target. It's bright pink. I also have a grey one that I use to store my pumped milk at work. I bought two two packs of flat ice packs for like two dollars. You can fit four standard dr browns bottles and one skinny ice pack. We have squeezed five bottles in without the ice pack. I think you are going to have a hard time fitting six bottles in a container since it has to be tall enough for the bottles as well.

    Edit the bottles do not tip because the bag is tall and skinny but the down side is it only fits four comfortably.

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  • shannmshannm member

    I just always used a lunch bag that I found at target that held bottles up just fine.

    But I LOVE that you use a Corona 6 pk carrier.   

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  • I like the freezer to go bags. Throw the whole bag into the freezer because the ice packs are "part" of the bag. They keep cool for many many hours. I use it at work for my pumped bottles as well as weekend too.
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