I took the year off to raise my twins and while the beginning was tough I just love it! I'm also a primary teacher so teaching them is the best! But I'm already having anxiety about sending them to daycare at the end of August. I feel like a failure to them for having to send them there and work. I have to work, I have a good job and I was so lucky to have a year with them but it doesn't stop these thoughts popping in my head that I'm a terrible mom for leaving them with strangers all day. And it's care not love, who will cuddle them? Can anyone offer advice to help me get my mind right? It's really stressing me out and while I'm trying to savor the days left there's moments I cry.
Re: Having a hard time
Anyway, I went back a month ago when my daughter was four months old. I cried a lot before going back to work and felt a lot of what you describe. What I've learned since then is that the anticipation is worse than actually going back. I got used to the routine pretty quickly. While I get less time with my daughter I appreciate the time when I am with her a lot more and my attention is more focused. Also, even though my LO is still much younger than yours, she benefits from having different interactions in daycare. I also benefit from the adult interaction. Yes, I wish I could work less, I think a half day schedule would be perfect, but it is not as bad as you think it will be. It helped me to send her to daycare for two half days before I started work and to the extent you can have someone else drop them off the first couple days that might make the process easier. Good luck.
Thank you for your reply. I think your comment about the anticipation being worse is probably true. I am starting them a full week earlier, 2 half days then 3 full, good advice. Thank you.
I really like that DS has multiple people in his life who care about him and teach him things.
Wow! That really helped me! I totally agree! Thanks so much!