Hi everyone
Had NT scan earlier today and baby A was just fine but baby B had a nuchal fold measurement of 5mm. They didn't even do the blood test part because they said the ultrasound showed then enough. We met with the genetic counselor to talk about next steps and needless to say I'm kind of freaking out. We're not going to do the CVS because it would have to be done early next week and that seems too soon for me to feel comfortable with. We're leaning toward doing the blood testing that can check my blood for chromosome abnormalities in the baby, and then once that result is in, deciding to go with amniocentesis or not. Does anyone have experience with this situation? I'm obviously fearing the worst case, where we'd be faced with the decision of terminating the affected baby, but I worry of the risk of that too, especially for the other baby. I guess there is risk either way! Any advice or thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thanks as always!
Re: NT screen...
6 year old daughter
Fraternal boys born on May 11, 2013 at 36 weeks 4 days
6 year old daughter
Fraternal boys born on May 11, 2013 at 36 weeks 4 days