
Yep, another vasectomy post

I know there's been lots of talk on this board about permanent bc, and since no one on my bmb has had it done, I thought I'd ask here. We will be 29 when these babies are born. We have a two year old son, and while we always wanted three, we didn't think we'd get them so quickly. 

Not to be morbid, but we have decided that even if I have a csection I won't have my tubes tied then because we want to make sure the babies make it before we do anything drastic. We have discussed dh getting the snip snip come next spring/summer, because we figure we'll be out of the crazy baby stage and really know if we want anymore. Right now, we think no, because we want to maintain financial stability and because I am the worst pregnant person ever.

Wow, so far it's tl;dr. Anyhoo, did any of your dh's have a vasectomy around age 30? Was it an issue for the dr who did it? It feels so young, but we'll have three kids, and I don't think my body could handle another pregnancy.  

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Re: Yep, another vasectomy post

  • imagekrptcmschfmkr128:
    We have a friend who did it in his late 20s. Doctor didn't give him any shiiit about it. It seems to be easier for men to get snipped young vs women to get tied young.

    I know a couple guys who have had the snip-snip in their late 20s/very early 30s after having their 2 kids. I think vasectomy is viewed as more easily reversible. Usually guys only get poop for it if they haven't had kids or are like college aged (had a college friend who wanted one, couldn't get one).
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imagekrptcmschfmkr128:

    Very true, but I have known 22-23 yr old women who have 2-3 kids already (yeah, sad I know) that have a hell of a time getting a tubal because they're "so young" and "might want more in the future."

    That's seriously F'ed up. Are we just assuming if you have kids that young it's a starter marriage or something? :P
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
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  • Why is it sad that a 22 or 23 year old woman has 2 or 3 children?
  • Gotcha, and I agree that is sad.
  • I'm 33 and I know several guys around my age that have had a vasectomy already.

    My dr. was set to snip my tubes when I had my c-section with the twins and I had to confirm twice that I had no intentions of having that done at that time.  I'll also say that it took at least two years if not more for the baby fever to creep back in after the twins were born.  Just throwing that out there in case you want to consider pushing back your time frame for making the decision :)

    *Siggy Warning*

    About me  2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!



  • my DH is getting a vasectomy early next spring.  he will be 32.  we just had our third child two weeks ago and we know that we are done.  DH's doctor recommended that we wait a year to be certain that this is what we want.
  • Our friends had their third when they were 26 and had a vasectomy right away. After this baby dh will be getting one and he will only be 27(though I am 5 years older). We talked many times about it. I was more worried about me dying and him wanting to remarry and have more kids than he was. 


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  • imagethetheisens:
    Our friends had their third when they were 26 and had a vasectomy right away. After this baby dh will be getting one and he will only be 27(though I am 5 years older). We talked many times about it. I was more worried about me dying and him wanting to remarry and have more kids than he was

    See, I'm selfish in that it would be my way of ensuring that he has to devote all his dad attention to our kids and not breed with whatever skank he'd end up should I meet my demise.  :)

    *Siggy Warning*

    About me  2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!



  • imagekrptcmschfmkr128:

    Our friends had their third when they were 26 and had a vasectomy right away. After this baby dh will be getting one and he will only be 27(though I am 5 years older). We talked many times about it. I was more worried about me dying and him wanting to remarry and have more kids than he was

    See, I'm selfish in that it would be my way of ensuring that he has to devote all his dad attention to our kids and not breed with whatever skank he'd end up should I meet my demise.  :)

    Lol this would be me

    Lol, I would assume dh would not expose his children to a skank if I died. I mean, he has pretty good taste, he chose me. For real though, I would want him to be happy if I passed away. It's hard to think about, but it is a permanent change for him. 



    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers

  • The Only 2 Men I Know Who Have Had A Vasectomy Both Got Them Reversed. One For A Second Marriage, One Who The Couple Changed Their Minds.

    sorry For The Cap Errors. My Phone Hates Me.

    BFP#1 "Watermelon" born 3/2011
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    BFP#4 "Grapefruit" EDD 3/29/16
  • imageMrs JillB:

    Not to be morbid, but we have decided that even if I have a csection I won't have my tubes tied then because we want to make sure the babies make it before we do anything drastic. We have discussed dh getting the snip snip come next spring/summer, because we figure we'll be out of the crazy baby stage and really know if we want anymore. Right now, we think no, because we want to maintain financial stability and because I am the worst pregnant person ever.

    Felt the same exact way leading up to birth. Then when we decided to go with the csection, considered bringing up tubal lit. however decided that I wanted to be sure that she was safely in my arms before we closed that door. Now that she is, we are talking V for DH. Have also talked with my obgyn about Essure.
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