I remember us taking about the fat shelf above the incision recently. Just wanted to let you all know that I am now 10.5 weeks postpartum and my shelf disappeared overnight! I've been to sore to workout and I have had a poor diet, but it is gone! Just wanted to let you all know there is hope. It was really upsetting to me and so unflattering and I was scared I was stuck with it. I hope you all are doing well in your recoveries. I am the farthest out of all of us ladies so I feel it's important to let you know that things do eventually get better
Re: C section mamas
DS1 -6/25/11
DS2 -3/23/13
Missed MC D&C 8/26/14
DD - 8/26/15
LO#4 due 5/30/17
*crossing my fingers*
I am EBF and can't seem to lose those last 8... Which is a lot when you're short like me. Walking helps a little, as it's all I have time for and can do it while wearing LO. I really hope to see some mom belly improvement sometime soon
TTC #1 since 3/2011
DX: anovulatory and severe MFI
DH is a testicular cancer survivor
IVF#1 w/ICSI lupron, gonal f, ovidrel
ER 6/15/12 6R 6M 6F! ET 6/20/12
Beta #1: 154 Beta #2: 509 Beta #3: 7326
Baby Boy born 3/1/2013
TTC#2: 6/2014 all testing came back normal
IVF#2 (#1 for LO#2) 9/2014 - 17R 10M 10F 4 blasts frozen on day 6.
FET #1 10/15/14 - Beta #1: 216 Beta #2: 823
Baby Boy born 7/10/2015