
Great Gatsby

Who's excited about Great Gatsby coming out in theaters this weekend?

I don't have a sitter lined up, so I'm not sure when I'll see it, but I would love to see it on the big screen.

I haven't heard the whole soundtrack but Bryan Ferry's ragtime-ification of "Love is the Drug" is pretty awesome.

I am a fan of Fitzgerald and Luhrman, so I have high hopes!

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Re: Great Gatsby

  • I'm not sure I'll get to see it in the theater, but I'm excited!  I am a HUGE Fitzgerald fan.
  • It couldn't be worse than the 1970s version.  I mean, Robert Redford and ADA Jack McCoy and it stills sucked ballz? 

    Any reason to see Leo looking all hot on the big screen is a good enough reason to see it for me. 



    Unable to even.  


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  • I don't know if I'll get to see it in the theaters but I'll definitely add it to the Netflix queue. I need to re-read the book. I think it was one of the few assigned readings I actually really liked in HS.
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  • imageHilarityEnsued:
    I just read a terrible review that made me sad.  I won't see it in theaters but will definitely check it out On Demand once it's available.  Theater time is precious and would definitely be reserved for something like Iron Man.

    Which review did you read, I looked at a couple this morning and they were hit or miss. It was funny though because one of them (The Atlantic, I think) didn't actually like Baz Luhrman's other films, so it was, like, well, yeah, if you don't like his style you probably won't like this one either. 

    Reviews are interesting, but sometimes I know right away that I won't agree with the reviewer either.

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  • I really did not care for the story but it was such an easy read in HS.  I never make it to the theater to see anything so this won't get me there.
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  • imageCinemaGoddess:

    It couldn't be worse than the 1970s version.  I mean, Robert Redford and ADA Jack McCoy and it stills sucked ballz? 

    Any reason to see Leo looking all hot on the big screen is a good enough reason to see it for me. 

    This.  I haven't read the book and I have no idea what it's about, but I've loved Leo for a long time.  From the previews it appears that he is smokin in this movie.

     Lilypie - (gu1R)
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  • It looks good and I'd love to see it. DH is taking DD to watch it tonight. 
  • Likely will wait until it is available OnDemand or similar.  Suspect it will disappoint.
    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • What I am excited about is this movie:


    which looks just awesome.

    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • I am chaperoning a field trip on Monday (after school) to go see it.  I am so excited!  
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  • imageHilarityEnsued:
    I just read a terrible review that made me sad.  I won't see it in theaters but will definitely check it out On Demand once it's available.  Theater time is precious and would definitely be reserved for something like Iron Man.

    Also, the whole flucking story bored me all the times I tried to read and/or watch it. Not sure I want to spend my time on it again just cause it has Leo. I mean, RR couldn't save the 70s version.

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  • I was kind of excited, then I read the reviews, which have been tepid. We'll probably rent it, but it doesn't look like something we will rush out and see in the theaters. The costumes look cool though.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageridesbuttons:

    What I am excited about is this movie:


    which looks just awesome.

    YES! When I saw the first trailer for it I thought it was a joke. I love meta humor.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageGrayGhost13:

    I just read a terrible review that made me sad.  I won't see it in theaters but will definitely check it out On Demand once it's available.  Theater time is precious and would definitely be reserved for something like Iron Man.

    Which review did you read, I looked at a couple this morning and they were hit or miss. It was funny though because one of them (The Atlantic, I think) didn't actually like Baz Luhrman's other films, so it was, like, well, yeah, if you don't like his style you probably won't like this one either. 

    Reviews are interesting, but sometimes I know right away that I won't agree with the reviewer either.

    Baz Luhrman's films definitely value style over substance. His Romeo and Juliet suffered from that. I love Moulin Rouge, which DW hates. I feel like he has a lot in common with Sofia Coppola in that regard, although her films tend to be smaller while his are more spectacles. At least he's not Zach Snyder.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • @ridesbuttons - I can't see your graphic. Sad What movie are we talking about?

    @LD - I think you're right. But Luhrman and Coppola have a more atmospheric style. I don't mind that actually; some of my favorite movies and even books are that way, but I think you either like that style or you don't.

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  • imageGrayGhost13:

    @ridesbuttons - I can't see your graphic. Sad What movie are we talking about?

    @LD - I think you're right. But Luhrman and Coppola have a more atmospheric style. I don't mind that actually; some of my favorite movies and even books are that way, but I think you either like that style or you don't.

    -This is The End, the apocalpyse comedy starring like every guy who has been in an Apatow movie.

    -I'm actually kind of on the fence about atmospheric movies. I LOVED Lost in Translation and enjoyed Coppola's Marie Antoinette, even if it wasn't *really* much of a bio pic.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • i actually liked the 1970s version!  i am looking forward to this movie, but doubt i will see it in the theater.  i probably won't get a chance to see a movie in the theater again until catching fire comes out.
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