March 2013 Moms


So, I'm sitting here cuddling with DD and feel a little tickle up my leg.  I go to brush it off and find a tick!!!  My house is super clean and I'm so grossed out.  I'm sure it came in on the pups, but yuuuuuck. I don't want them anywhere LO.  Husband is going to have to spray the yard. Rrrrrrarg.

Re: Skeeved!

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    Ewww! I would be so grossed out!
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    My husband had one on him before he went to bed tonight.  I am terrified of them!  Yuck!
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    Ugh! I had our son sitting on my lap yesterday and all of a sudden there was one on his head!! Luckily it hadn't bitten him so I was able to brush it off. I'm thinking it may have been on my pant leg from when I took the dog out just before. I HATE them so much!!
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    Yuck. My SIL moved in with three cats when first DD was about three months and brought fleas....I still get freaked out thinking about it.
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    The other day my mom was holding Ella and I looked over and saw a stink bug in her ear. And yesterday I found a spider on the shower head while I was bathing her. I hate the bug season!!
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    Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.
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