March 2013 Moms

Convertible carseats?

So my 9 week old is already 16/17 lbs... he will be out of his 22lb carrier before we know it. Ftm question: What is the next step, a convertible carseat? Are you supposed to buy two, one for mom and dad's car? That seems awful pricey. TIA!

Re: Convertible carseats?

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    Yes, the convertible carseat would be next.

    You can either buy one for each car or get really good at installing one as you move it back and forth between cars.  Pricey to buy two, yes, but if you buy ones that have a high weight limit you will get 1-3 years worth of use depending on how fast LO grows and how old LO is when you move to the convertible carseat.

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    Yes, a convertible is next. I got one of my Britax seats from Amazon for less than 150 and like it a lot. I have the Roundabout that fits up to 55lbs and also the marathon that goes up to 70lbs.
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    Yes, convertible.  They are all pretty bulky so moving them between cars sucks even though it doesn't take long.  We have 2 Evenflo Symphonys and have found them to be really easy to adjust and comfortable for DS (he's a very tall almost 3 year old).  As much as they seem pricey, they're in them for soooo much longer than the infant seat, so they're worth it imo.
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    Yes, the convertible carseat would be next.

    You can either buy one for each car or get really good at installing one as you move it back and forth between cars.  Pricey to buy two, yes, but if you buy ones that have a high weight limit you will get 1-3 years worth of use depending on how fast LO grows and how old LO is when you move to the convertible carseat.

    Buying only one and constantly moving it around would be a huuuuge pain in the rear. I can't imagine doing that. We have two for DS 1 - a Graco myRide 65 in my car and a Cosco Scenera in DH's car. We like them both! Graco is pricier but will last longer (65 lbs) and Cosco is cheap, but sturdy, less padding and only to 40 lbs.

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    kegkeg member
    Yep, convertible is the way to go, but as pp have mentioned, they last longer than the infant seat so they are a good investment.  For our main vehicle, we have Britax Boulevards for DDs who are over 4 and will be able to stay in them for a while longer.  For the other car, we have Cosco Sceneras which are well-rated seats, just not as cushy and the weight limit is a lower, but less expensive...I think they are $45ish.  They are also great if you fly anywhere because they are much lighter than many of the other seats.  For this LO, I may go with a Radian RXT because it goes from convertible to booster seat which means we'll get a lot of use from it.
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