March 2013 Moms

xp who has an early bedtime?

Whose LO's have an early bedtime - like between 6 and 7 pm?

DS is getting fussy at night and I've been putting him down at 730 but I'm wondering if he's fighting sleep b/c he's over tired. 

Last night he was up til 930 and the night before that didn't go down til 11.


My little man at 0-1-2
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Re: xp who has an early bedtime?

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    Lexi falls asleep between 8 and 10. I never put her down because she wouldn't if I tried. I wait till she falls asleep and then put her down. So 8 to 10 is just when she naturally goes to bed
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I put my LO down between 7 and 7:30. He then sleeps for about 5 to 6 hours before he wakes to nurse. I noticed if he stays up past 7:30 he starts to lose it and gets really cranky. He does not fight me when I put him down either, he goes right to sleep without even needing to be rocked or anything.
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    Rhea77Rhea77 member
    I put mine down at 8:00. I read them a bedtime story and they usually fall asleep within 10 minutes or so. I have to wake them up at 10pm to give them a few ounces to "fill the tank" before DH and I go to bed, then they drift back to sleep until they wake up on their own around 2 or 3, then back asleep til 6.
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