

DH got a SWAT call out so I'm up really early with the girls.

My UO: I think home owners should be held responsible if they don't take reasonable precautions against attractive nuisances. We don't live in a vacuum and its easier for an adult to safeguard a child than for the child to make a safe decision.
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Re: UOs

  • (Disclaimer: I realize I spend waaaay too much time on Pinterest.)

    Gender reveals are stupid events to seek attention. I hate them all--cakes, fireworks, parties, balloons, professional photography sessions.  I shudder a little every time I see one on any of my social media feeds.  

  • Gardening is the worst hobby ever.

    ETA: all because of bugs. I can't deal.



    My 4 Angel Babies.....
    MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009

    Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!

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  • imagepeanutrach1:
    I am most certain this will be a UO...I don't like the way bows look on baby girls. Before DD was born I bought all these bows/headbands. I put one on her once and thought it looked ridiculous. Maybe it's ok if someone wants to do it for a photo shoot or special occassion but I think doing it all the time is excessive. My neighbor has put a bow in her DD's hair since birth. Now she is two and always wears these massive bows in her hair. I don't think it looks good.

    if this is wrong I don't wanna be right. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagepeanutrach1:
    I am most certain this will be a UO...I don't like the way bows look on baby girls. Before DD was born I bought all these bows/headbands. I put one on her once and thought it looked ridiculous. Maybe it's ok if someone wants to do it for a photo shoot or special occassionnbsp;but I think doing it all the time is excessive. My neighbor has put a bow in her DD's hair since birth. Now she is two and always wears these massive bows in her hair. I don't think it looks good.

    I completely agree with this!


  • imagepeanutrach1:
    I am most certain this will be a UO...I don't like the way bows look on baby girls. Before DD was born I bought all these bows/headbands. I put one on her once and thought it looked ridiculous. Maybe it's ok if someone wants to do it for a photo shoot or special occassion but I think doing it all the time is excessive. My neighbor has put a bow in her DD's hair since birth. Now she is two and always wears these massive bows in her hair. I don't think it looks good.

    I can't stand the headbands. I feel like it is squishing the baby's head or something. I put barrettes in DDs' hair, because their hair is long and they are constantly brushing it out of their eyes otherwise. But the big flowers and bows on headbands? NMS.

    I also don't like when people cut girls hair really short, even though I know it is easier to take care of. I love DD1's long curly hair, and DD2 is shaping up to have the same hair.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My UO is I think senior citizens should get reserved parking at the grocery store.

  • imagepeanutrach1:
    I am most certain this will be a UO...I don't like the way bows look on baby girls. Before DD was born I bought all these bows/headbands. I put one on her once and thought it looked ridiculous. Maybe it's ok if someone wants to do it for a photo shoot or special occassionnbsp;but I think doing it all the time is excessive. My neighbor has put a bow in her DD's hair since birth. Now she is two and always wears these massive bows in her hair. I don't think it looks good.

    I agree. Dd couldnt stand having one of those bows of headbands on.
    I have a friend that does this. Her daughter always shakes hee head back and forth and battles her when she puts them on now. So the cute bow pic everyday have slowed on fb.
  • imageacaudill75:
    DH got a SWAT call out so I'm up really early with the girls. My UO: I think home owners should be held responsible if they don't take reasonable precautions against attractive nuisances. We don't live in a vacuum and its easier for an adult to safeguard a child than for the child to make a safe decision.

    So if people have a trampoline or a swing set or a tree house in their fenced-in backyard and some kid climbs the fence while the homeowners are away on vacation, do you think they should still be held liable? What about trees? If the homeowner has an attractive climbing tree on their property and the neighbor comes while they're away, climbs it, falls out, and breaks his arm...should the parents still be able to sue the homeowner?

    I think we have a bad precedent of shifting blame where it doesn't belong in this country and this is one of those situations, imo.


    I might have an actual UO. I can understand why a lot of cemetery owners don't want the Boston bomber to be buried in their place because they're worried about security and vandalism but I think despite his actions he should be allowed to be buried somewhere, and not just dumped in the ocean like so many are suggesting. I mainly think this because of his daughter. She may grow up and want nothing to do with her father's memory because of what he did...but she may grow up and be curious and I think she should have a place where she can "go" to him, for lack of better phrasing. I've seen some comment they don't want a terrorist buried in the same cemetery as their loved ones - and I get that - but quite frankly, these people don't know that other people buried there weren't wife beaters or child molesters or anything much better. And I also think you either believe in an after life, or you don't. If you do, you probably think he's in Hell already. If you don't, then isn't his body just going to sit and decompose? I suppose I might feel more strongly if I was more directly affected, but ultimately this guy does have family and friends that were unaware of the plot and they should be able to bury his body somewhere and have that closure.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageJdismybug1:
    My UO is I think senior citizens should get reserved parking at the grocery store.

    What would they do on senior discount day? Old people brawl in the parking lot over the spots? ;)

    Nah, I agree, if only so that I know I'm parking away from one who is going to park crooked and leave me with about 2 inches to get out without hitting their car. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageMrsGoodkat:

    My UO is I think senior citizens should get reserved parking at the grocery store.

    What would they do on senior discount day? Old people brawl in the parking lot over the spots? ;)

    Nah, I agree, if only so that I know I'm parking away from one who is going to park crooked and leave me with about 2 inches to get out without hitting their car. 

    I also think that senior citizens should be re tested more often at the dmv. thay can easily be a danger to themselves and others when driving. My dad had alzhiemers and anything having to fobwith a car or him driving was a battle.
  • imagefredalina:
    Well I don't really agree with PP but having a fence mitigates the liability. The law says you have to take reasonable care to keep kids away, which means a fence with locked gate or high latch most of the time.

    Oh, gotcha. I wouldn't buy a trampoline for our yard but if we had to put in a fence it would be really awkward with the layout of our yard. I would do it for a pool obviously, if we had the room for one, but a swing set I probably wouldn't. I just think if some kid came in and jumped off swings while we weren't home that we shouldn't be held responsible because someone wasn't watching their child.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I hate sweet potatoes!



  • The thing with attractive nuisances is that little kids are always supervised and big kids who can be unsupervised should well know that you simply do not trespass.

    What 8 year old would walk into some neighbour (or strangers) backyard and start jumping on a tramp? 

    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • This is probably not unpopular but...

    I hate those share to win contests on Facebook. My newsfeed is full of them from these little dress and bow boutiques and other stupid stuff and I find it obnoxious to sift through.

    Guess I should get on the computer and see if I can block that crap.

    image image
  • I don't like blue christmas lights.



  • imageridesbuttons:

    The thing with attractive nuisances is that little kids are always supervised and big kids who can be unsupervised should well know that you simply do not trespass.

    What 8 year old would walk into some neighbour (or strangers) backyard and start jumping on a tramp? 

    You have way too much faith in people if you think 8 year olds are unlikely to do this.  There are lots of little shits in this world

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • I don't think the homeowners should be responsible.
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  • I LOVE cheesecake!



  • imageManneek1977:
    I don't like blue christmas lights.

    Big thumbs up! 
  • imageManneek1977:
    I LOVE cheesecake!

    Big thumbs down! 
  • Swimming pools are different and there are bylaws in every city and town in North America regarding pool enclosures, fence height, latches, etc. If a posse of 8 year olds crashes an out of town neighbours backyard tramp and gets injured, IMO, the parents of the 8 year olds should be held responsible and not the homeowner.
    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • imageridesbuttons:

    The thing with attractive nuisances is that little kids are always supervised and big kids who can be unsupervised should well know that you simply do not trespass.

    What 8 year old would walk into some neighbour (or strangers) backyard and start jumping on a tramp? 

    This is how I feel about it. I think homeowners should take reasonable precautions from a moral standpoint, but shouldn't be liable if a kid decided to unlatch a fence and trespass. 
  • imagekiraliz2:
    I don't find Daniel Tosh or Tosh.0 funny. At all. I'll go even further and say that I find him and his show offensive.

    We would not be friends

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Little boys with long hair are adorable!



  • Just read the baby cereal at 2 months post.

    I don't get why people expect their 2 month old to sleep through the night.
    I mean, they are supposed to wake to feed, right?????

    I hear about people trying baby cereal in the bottle and it drives me crazy. Reflux is one thing, but doing it just to get more sleep is selfish. Do people not realize their baby will wake every few hours to feed when they have them?????
  • imagekiraliz2:
    I don't find Daniel Tosh or Tosh.0 funny. At all. I'll go even further and say that I find him and his show offensive.

    Me too. I hate those shows. They always show videos of people breaking bones or otherwise getting hurt and I don't understand why anyone would find that entertaining. It makes my stomach turn.

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  • imagekiraliz2:
    I don't find Daniel Tosh or Tosh.0 funny. At all. I'll go even further and say that I find him and his show offensive.

    I'm not familiar with his material but spinning off of this, I find that most comedians who have to primarily rely on sex/sexual innuendos for their act aren't that funny. When we go to the local comedy club, the comedians that stay away from the sex and draw on other life experiences are usually 20x funnier than the ones that don't. I'll even go farther and say the ones that primarily rely on jokes about their race aren't as funny, either.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I also despise news websites that only post video to their stories and not a written article. I don't have time to watch your 2 minute video, I want to skim the story in 15 seconds or less. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I've never cared for headbands on babies but I do love bows.  Maybe because they're so popular where I live, I feel like Betsy looks naked without one and I get a little twitchy if she isn't wearing one in public.  I confess to resorting to bribery and tricks to get her to wear them sometimes.  

  • imagescoutkate:
    I've never cared for headbands on babies but I do love bows.nbsp; Maybe because they're so popular where I live,nbsp;I feel like Betsy looks naked without one and I get a little twitchy if she isn't wearing one in public.nbsp; I confess to resorting to bribery and tricks to get her to wearnbsp;them sometimes.nbsp;nbsp;
    Same. Dd has a ton of hair and I feel like I should take advantage of her pretty hair by adding cute bows.
  • imagekrptcmschfmkr128:

    The thing with attractive nuisances is that little kids are always supervised and big kids who can be unsupervised should well know that you simply do not trespass.

    What 8 year old would walk into some neighbour (or strangers) backyard and start jumping on a tramp? 

    You have way too much faith in people if you think 8 year olds are unlikely to do this.  There are lots of little shits in this world

    But if that little shiit wants to bounce on a trampoline or climb a tree, a fence isn't going to stop them.  They'll find a way in. We had kids who use to scale over the yards and climb on the roofs of houses (city houses, everyone attached) to get into the yards they wanted to. It was pretty damn pathetic, and their parents wouldn't do squat to stop them. People shouldn't be held liable for @zzhole kids who won't respect boundaries and parents that would rather sue someone than parent.

    A kid in my neighborhood growing up would climb on another neighbor's AC unit, reach over the fence with a metal hanger, open the gate, and let his buddies in to jump on the trampoline.

    One ended up with a broken leg. The fence was tall and had a high latch. Kids are creative. I agree, pools need strong fencing... But kids will still try to bypass things. The homeowner shouldn't be liable for that.

    Like my friend with the horses. She had two fences and one with no climb. I still cannot remember what was "wrong" with the fences that they said she hadn't made enough effort to keep kids out. Kids should be supervised or not trespass. I know kids are impulsive and some are little hellions, but trespassing is against the law.

    This is why I'd call the cops if I caught anyone trespassing. Well, kids might get a warning once. But I will not end up in my friend's situation.

    image image
  • I strongly dislike the roadside markers where people died in a car accident. Someone made one for my mom expecting me to be happy about it. It gives me no happy feels seeing where someone took their last breath on the side of the road. It's so morbid to me.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • imagemissyishere:
    I strongly dislike the roadside markers where people died in a car accident. Someone made one for my mom expecting me to be happy about it. It gives me no happy feels seeing where someone took their last breath on the side of the road. It's so morbid to me.
  • imagemissyishere:
    I strongly dislike the roadside markers where people died in a car accident. Someone made one for my mom expecting me to be happy about it. It gives me no happy feels seeing where someone took their last breath on the side of the road. It's so morbid to me.

    I'm sorry, that must be hard to see.

    I agree. When DH, DS1 and I went to Mexico we had to drive 3 hours from
    las cabos to La Paz. I dont know if anyone has ever done that drive but there were hundreds of crosses everywhere. It made us so nervous.



    My 4 Angel Babies.....
    MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009

    Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!

  • my UO is that i don't think mothers day should be a gift giving occasion.  part of this is because i am cheap, but mostly because i feel as though everything is over-commercialized.  show your appreciation in other ways.
  • UO: I don't understand why it's such a big deal to take precautions against random kids jumping on your trampoline.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagenixieknox3:
    my UO is that i don't think mothers day should be a gift giving occasion.  part of this is because i am cheap, but mostly because i feel as though everything is over-commercialized.  show your appreciation in other ways.

    +1. I look forward to all the little crafts or milk carton plants my kids bring home in elementary school but I don't need DH or anyone else spending money on gifts for me. It would mean much more for him to take time with DS to make me a card than anything he can purchase. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagemom2pottamus:
    UO: I don't understand why it's such a big deal to take precautions against random kids jumping on your trampoline.

    It's not that it's a big deal to me. If I owned one, I would. I won't because they scare me, but if I did it'd be fenced.

    What I argue against is the idea that kids hurt on attractive nuicances are the fault of the property owner. Saying "they should take reasonable precautions"... I've seen that reasonable precaution bit abused. And what if you're away and a tree brings down part of your fence. Are you liable while on vacation and unaware of the issue?

    It's not that I think it's a big deal to take precautions. It's that I don't want to be held liable when someone's kid finds a creative way around my precautions.

    image image
  • imageauntie:
    Not a fan of the headband/bows on bald baby girls. It's like you're giftwrapping their head or hiding some hideous deformity.Not a fan of people who dress newborn and young baby boys in "little man" clothes. It feels really "Teen Mom" to me.nbsp;

    There was a mom like this at the play gym yesterday. Her son was in skinny jeans, Toms, a plaid button up, and hada trendy floppy haircut with an under cut it wasn't cute. The less than one year old brother was in orange cords, a denim button up, boat shoes, and had the same haircut.

    image image
  • imageamykins1283:
    Not a fan of the headband/bows on bald baby girls. It's like you're giftwrapping their head or hiding some hideous deformity.Not a fan of people who dress newborn and young baby boys in "little man" clothes. It feels really "Teen Mom" to me.nbsp;

    There was a mom like this at the play gym yesterday. Her son was in skinny jeans, Toms, a plaid button up, and hada trendy floppy haircut with an under cut it wasn't cute. The less than one year old brother was in orange cords, a denim button up, boat shoes, and had the same haircut.

    See, I think that would look cute; however, I can't imagine he'd be comfortable for play. I dress my child more for function rather than fashion. I dressed her super adorable when she was little, but I dress her for whatever she can get dirty in or be comfortable running around in now.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

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