3 yr old has on and off slept in our bed.
She's completely relaxed about going to sleep in her own bed, but invariably gets into our bed in the middle of the night.
A few nights ago I shut our door because I was sick, DD2 (who sleeps in our bed) was sick, and I just couldn't cope with another little hot body on my bed.
DH sleeps in DD2s room so that he can get as much sleep as possible.
So I shut my door for 3 nights, and I never heard a sound from DD1. She very proudly told me in the morning that she had slept all night in her bed.
Then I left my door open, because I feel more comfortable being able to hear what's going on, and she came and got in my bed in the middle of the night.
This makes me think that on the nights I had my door shut, she also got up but found the door was shut and went back to bed. the fact that she didn't make a fuss, makes me think that she's doing it half asleep on auto-plot, because if she was in pain/frightened/upset she would call for me.
So I guess my question is, if I keep sleeping with my door shut, how long do you think it will take to break her habit of coming to my bed?