March 2013 Moms

Dreading Monday :

Ugh! The day has almost arrived where I go back to work. Where have these 7 weeks gone?! I'm a teacher so I only return for 3 weeks before summer break but I am so anxious already. My mom is keeping him those weeks so I know he is in good hands but nobody takes care of him like I do. I'm going to worry all day. How am I going to stay focused and actually teach?! Somebody please tell me know I am going to be ok and I will survive. This mama is sad tonight. :

Re: Dreading Monday :

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    I'm at a school too. The days leading up to leaving are much harder! The school day will go so fast! Only 16 school days left for me! Then you will get your whole summer
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I am a guidance counselor in a hs but I work into July!!! I am always jealous of the other staff who are finished before I am but this year is going to be even worse.  I really don't want to go back

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    I go back Wednesday but don't get out until the third week of June. Not looking forward to it
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    Kota26Kota26 member
    I am a teacher and came back to work after only 4 weeks Sad. My mom is staying with us and watching DS until summer vacation starts the afternoon of the 17th.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    dawnj08dawnj08 member
    Just wondering where you ladies teach that you get out so early. I go back the 20th but we don't get out until 2nd week of July. It will be a long 4 weeks!! Can't wait for summer with my LO. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Minnesota. We always get out end of may early June. When do you go back to school? We go back first week of September
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    South Carolina. We get out end of May but go back mid August. I'm jealous of the Minnesota teacher!!!
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    The days before were way worse for me than actually going back. Its only been a week and a half for me and we are already settling into the routine. The three weeks will go by so quickly!
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    Kota26Kota26 member

    I am a teacher and came back to work after only 4 weeks Sad. My mom is staying with us and watching DS until summer vacation starts the afternoon of the 17th.


    Virginia, but I teach at a college and at a Governor's School (which does not follow the typical K-12 VA public school system schedule)

    BabyFruit Ticker
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