Baby Names

Husband Input

My husband and I decided to wait until we found out the sex to discuss names and we're both supposed to be thinking of some in the meantime. He hasn't started yet, though, while I have baby name forums, apps and websites up quite a bit.

My friend has had the hardest time negotiating names with her husband as he has been fixated on one name without being very flexible. I think mine will be easily convinced if I am happy about a name but I'm a little nervous, just in case our styles really clash. I wouldn't be into names that I loved in the 80s, like Tiffany, Kimberly, Samantha. Conversely, he might think my picks Eleanor, Hazel, Henry are too fusty.

How are the negotiations going with your SOs/loved ones?

Re: Husband Input

  • Bexx24Bexx24 member

    "My husband and I decided to wait until we found out the sex to discuss names and we're both supposed to be thinking of some in the meantime. He hasn't started yet, though, while I have baby name forums, apps and websites up quite a bit. "

    Lol, yeah men don't do that.

    It's ok. He'll have an opinion eventually. Don't worry about it yet, that's a worry-bridge better crossed once you come to it. You may find something you both love really quickly, who knows.

  • Me & my DH have totally different taste. The worst part is with his sense of humor it's hard to say when he is serious & when he is joking. At first he just kept saying we'll name the baby Bob. Then we had talked about Wesley & my mother suggested we use DH's name for MN (Wesley Garrett). Now DH says he is going to call the baby We-G for short. Needless to say we are getting no where. At least I can't say I've fallen in love with any names that he's turned down though.
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  • MH is super laid back about life in general, but I was surprised at the resistance I got over baby names. Don't be shocked if he doesn't agree as willingly as you think he will! It took us quite a while to come up with our name, considering we started talking names when I was only 3w4d pg!


  • It's been interesting. DH and I have totally different styles. He likes names like Meadow and Alexus while I like names like Elena and Julianne. So far we have found one name we both really like but the veto card has been thrown around a lot to get to this point LOL


  • CNJ4EVACNJ4EVA member
    We've been discussing names since we first got together almost fourteen years ago. Good thing we did, because it took us a long time to get on the same page.
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  • Mine's very vocal.  He actively vetoes names and has been through our books with different colored highlighters.  His lists and mine have always been very different.  We definitely have to compromise when naming our LOs.  So far, we're happy with our choices--DD1 and 2--but this time it seems to be harder to find common ground.  We have to drop all name talk for a week or so at a time to recover from our brainstorms because we're a bit burned out.  GL

  • imageMozzy24:

    "My husband and I decided to wait until we found out the sex to discuss names and we're both supposed to be thinking of some in the meantime. He hasn't started yet, though, while I have baby name forums, apps and websites up quite a bit. "

    Lol, yeah men don't do that.

    It's ok. He'll have an opinion eventually. Don't worry about it yet, that's a worry-bridge better crossed once you come to it. You may find something you both love really quickly, who knows.

    Yeah, just let him do it in his time.  My DH VERY much wanted to wait until we found out the sex - it meant only having to come up w/ one set of names!  So he didn't think about it at all until we found out it was a boy.

    Then he actually went to the library and got a couple baby name books and we each went through them and came up w/ lists of names we each liked.  We swapped lists and we both crossed off names we hated and then marked names we really liked and those we were o.k. with.  

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  • We struggled both times and both times our LO's did not have names until the day we left the hospital.  This time it felt like we were more in agreement, but relatives started putting their 2 cents in and made me doubt our decision.  Both times DH has been really set on a name that I wasn't feeling.  For DS we picked a name that was not on either of our lists but a name we both liked.  This time we did go with one of our top 2.  He had really wanted the use the name Emma and I felt it was too popular, so we compromised with Emilia and he may use the nn Emma if he feels the need.  I love picking out names but not with my DH!  He was really into 80's names too and it was nms.
  • NL105NL105 member
    DH has always had his heart and mind set on making his first born son the III, to honor the family name. I did not want that because his name is very old and outdated, but we came to an agreement that the name of the next LO (if our first is a son) would be my choice. I told my name choices and he liked them. Plus, if we do have a son named after him, we also agreed that DS would be called a nickname of my choice by everyone else, to cut back on the confusion. DH is just fine with it all.
  • BBBellyBBBelly member

    Negotiations were not pretty! We agreed years ago that he could name a boy after his grandfather but we're having a girl and the battle began. He kept naming people he knew and bringing up the same names we'd already ruled out as if they'd just occurred to him. I definitely took it more personally than he did because I was the one looking at thousands of baby names and putting a lot of thought into it and he'd just grimace and say "no" to 90% of the ones I liked.

    I would definitely at least try to get a feel for his general feeling on names or even how strong those feelings are. My husband ended up being a lot more opinionated than I expected.

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  • DH and I each made a list of names we liked, and we crossed off names we didn't like off of each others' lists. He had just as much input and say in DS's name, as he is just as much of a parent as I am.
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  • imagemabenner1:
    DH and I each made a list of names we liked, and we crossed off names we didn't like off of each others' lists. He had just as much input and say in DS's name, as he is just as much of a parent as I am.

    We were similar.  Basically I just ran names by him and if he didn't like it, it was off the list.  When I found one we both liked, I stopped looking.

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  • Thanks, everybody! We'll find out the sex in a couple weeks and then I'll see it goes...
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