My husband and I decided to wait until we found out the sex to discuss names and we're both supposed to be thinking of some in the meantime. He hasn't started yet, though, while I have baby name forums, apps and websites up quite a bit.
My friend has had the hardest time negotiating names with her husband as he has been fixated on one name without being very flexible. I think mine will be easily convinced if I am happy about a name but I'm a little nervous, just in case our styles really clash. I wouldn't be into names that I loved in the 80s, like Tiffany, Kimberly, Samantha. Conversely, he might think my picks Eleanor, Hazel, Henry are too fusty.
How are the negotiations going with your SOs/loved ones?
Re: Husband Input
"My husband and I decided to wait until we found out the sex to discuss names and we're both supposed to be thinking of some in the meantime. He hasn't started yet, though, while I have baby name forums, apps and websites up quite a bit. "
Lol, yeah men don't do that.
It's ok. He'll have an opinion eventually. Don't worry about it yet, that's a worry-bridge better crossed once you come to it. You may find something you both love really quickly, who knows.
O14 January Signature Challenge: Snow Fails
Then he actually went to the library and got a couple baby name books and we each went through them and came up w/ lists of names we each liked. We swapped lists and we both crossed off names we hated and then marked names we really liked and those we were o.k. with.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
Negotiations were not pretty! We agreed years ago that he could name a boy after his grandfather but we're having a girl and the battle began. He kept naming people he knew and bringing up the same names we'd already ruled out as if they'd just occurred to him. I definitely took it more personally than he did because I was the one looking at thousands of baby names and putting a lot of thought into it and he'd just grimace and say "no" to 90% of the ones I liked.
I would definitely at least try to get a feel for his general feeling on names or even how strong those feelings are. My husband ended up being a lot more opinionated than I expected.
We were similar. Basically I just ran names by him and if he didn't like it, it was off the list. When I found one we both liked, I stopped looking.