So I have to vent for a second, a good friend of my BIL and his wife had a preemie born at 32 weeks a little over a week ago. It was so nice to be able to really help and be supportive to another mama in a way I never had been able too! Well here's where the bitter comes in... Looks like he will be discharged in a day or two. And my initial thought was "oh that's terrific!" I am beyond thrilled for them! But then I got sad thinking about our 8 week NICU stay, and was bitter that we had to put in more time in the NICU.
With that being said, I know others have had shorter and longer NICU journeys and I am by no means comparing. What I am venting about is the bitter Betty feelings I still get sometimes! I HATE that I think those thoughts... I just knew you guys would get it! Thanks for listening/reading! Hope your all enjoying this spring weather, I know we are hence why I haven't been bumping to much lately!
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Re: I hate being bitter!
When we were still in the NICU, a good friend from church came to visit. She was very supportive and prayed with us and I appreciated everything. When she started talking about how her daughter was born 5 weeks early and had to spend a few days in the hospital, I experienced the same feelings. Our DS was born at 27 week and was obviously going to be spending A LOT more than a few days in the NICU.
Later, a neighbor was telling me about her scary full term birth. Those same bitter feelings were creeping up. But then I realized that a lot of people go through some really scary crap with their pregancies and births. And sometimes full term babies are born really sick. I think part of me believed that I had the worst birth experience EVER and that no one could have ever been as scared and traumatized as I was.
I wish a could stop the bitter feelings in the first place. When I start to feel bitter, I try to put myself in their shoes for a minute. It helps.
I am the same way. I was never a bitter or jealous person until all of this and still I like to think that those feelings are limited to this area. I know that any time in the NICU is traumatic and difficult but I found myself wanting to scream at people who told me they knew what I was going through because their child was in NICU for a day or two full term. I have to remind myself, like PP said, that we all have struggles. My best friend had her baby a few months before me and and he was two weeks early but her delivery was really scary and physically traumatic. it took her months to feel even close to normal.
I am not sure how to get over these and they are something that I hope resolves over time but I am not sure. I feel like part of me will always be a bit bitter when I see a full term mommy leaving the hospital with her baby or bringing their baby home on FB or where ever. I don't wish this on anyone and I guess on some level I know I wouldn't change any of it because it is DS's story but I wish I could be naive again.
Yes I totally feel you on this. I too have a 35 weeker. I saw someone post the other day that 35 weeks isn't much different than 37 weeks!