March 2013 Moms

Dream feed

Hey ladies. I was just wondering about this dream feed business and if it works. I'm so afraid to wake my dd up to feed her even if I am as gentle and quiet as possible in fear that she won't go back down. Do you burp them still? Wouldn't that wake them up and defeat the purpose. Thanks for the advice!

Re: Dream feed

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    I've done it a few times only because I know she will wake for a feeding soon and I want to go to bed. I don't wake her completely. But put my bresast out there under her nose she is usually hungry and will latch on and eat while still sleepy. I usually hold her over my shoulder when done and rub/gently pat back for the burp. Sometimes she urps sometimes not so much. It's worked for me. Good luck.
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    I never did this. The first stretch if sleep was always the longest so it wouldn't make sense to interrupt it.
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    My little girl has started to do this at 8 weeks. She sleeps for 6hrs then starts grunting/fussing. I go in, pick her up and feed her. Once she is done and sleeping I put her on my shoulder and wait for a burp. Last night she didn't burp. I put her down and I'm back in bed within 15min of waking up! She then sleeps for another 3 hrs
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