My cousins have already used my Grandfather's name, Lawson, as the FN for their son AND my H isn't sold on it as a FN for our child. So, we've agreed to use Lawson as the middle name and our LN is clearly McKenzie.
We are not trendy people and we're hoping for something traditional; I'd love to hear what suggestions everyone has! Sending my appreciation ahead of time!
_________ Lawson McKenzie
Re: Suggestions for FN to go with Lawson
O14 January Signature Challenge: Snow Fails
My favorite would be John Lawson McKenzie.
Other suggestions:
Benjamin Lawson
Matthew Lawson
William Lawson
Phillip Lawson
Aaron Lawson
James Lawson
Charles Lawson
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
My H seems to be in love with John Lawson! Which works, because John is one of his Grandfathers' names.
Thank you all again!