to even have Keira.
We had major bleeding at 11w 6d, we thought it was a m/c but it was a miracle, she was fine. I had bleeding and contracitons at 26w and again at 31w. During this I was diagnosed with vasa previa. We had some scary times but we had a healthy baby girl on 2/2/07 at 38.5w, 8 lbs. 13 oz healthy and beautiful.
Now my sister, my little sister, is more then likely loosing her baby and she is pretty well along. I don't want to go into details because I know there are a number of women on here who are PG and I don't want to freak anyone out.
I'm thankful every day for Keira being here and healthy and know it could have turned out very differently. This situation just makes me realize it even more.
Re: Again realizing how blessed I am.....
So sorry.... {hugs}... hope everything turns out ok.
oh no, I'm so sorry!!!
Good Luck to her.