Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Teaching Sign Language?

How many have taught their child sign language successfully? I wanna teach Jax so that he can communicate better.. He actually says mom, dad, bye, hi, and his version of hello (hey-o). He's about to turn 1. How hard was it for you to teach your baby? Any tips on making it easier?
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Re: Teaching Sign Language?

  • vrj0522vrj0522 member

    My LO took a 10 week class (it was more for parents really) and is now starting to sign some. The best way is just to use repetition. So for example, I sign milk to him any time I am ready to make him a bottle. I will talk to him and ask him if he is ready for milk (and sign), then I start making his milk and I talk about it and sign the word every time, even if he is not looking. Repetition is the key and not just using it to point to the item but making it a part of the conversation. Another example is if you are teaching him the word "ball", you would talk about the ball, tell him you are going to roll the ball to him, etc, not just use the word ball a hundred times while you show it to him, but making it a part of conversation.

    It's not hard as long as you stay consistent.


    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Me: 38 DH: 36
    Married 8/27/2011
    BFP #1 9/28/2011 DS born 5/22/2012
    BFP #2 4/24/2013 m/c 4/25/2013 at 4w
    BFP #3 1/31/2014 DD born 10/14/2014
    BFP #4 1/20/2016 m/c 2/12/2014 at 7w2d
    BFP #5 8/19/2016 DS2 born 4/29/2017
    BFP #6 3/7/2018 EDD 11/18/2018

  • I am really interested to see responses to this too! We started with trying to sign milk, food, bath, Mama and Dada at about 6.5 months and then after a couple of months got lazy about it.  I have been trying to get back into it now that she is closer to the right age.  I will try to do more of what the previous poster suggested.
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  • It's not very hard at all! I didn't start with DS until he was 15 months and he started picking up the signs right away. (He was a very late talker.) I've been signing with DD since she was abotu 6 months old. We only do a few, but she is just starting to use them now. You can get a book to teach yourself the signs and then you simply just start using them. "Would you like MORE applesauce?" And make the sign. You also make LO do the sign, hand over hand.

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